After our first Open Minecraft Lab last Saturday, I wrote Lessons learned from Open Minecraft Lab; this is just a brief update now that we’ve had 80 more people through the lab over two sessions this week.

Registration went pretty much as it had for the previous week: it filled up quickly, and was relatively problem-free. As the week drew to a close I received a few emailed cancellations, and these opened up spots for new registrations. When this happened I immediately opened up the new spots, tweeted their availability, and sent an email to anyone who had emailed me asking to be notified if spots opened up; generally these were snapped up within an hour.
Once the morning lab filled up, I arranged to open a second time slot in the afternoon, and this too quickly filled up. We left 90 minutes between the two labs so volunteers could grab lunch and so we could clean up the lab: the first lab ran from 10:00 a.m. to Noon and the second one from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. In both cases, participants started showing up about 30 minutes early, which we’d planned for, and which allowed more time to get everyone up and running with Minecraft, so this turned out to be a good thing.
There were more girls for this week’s sessions: I don’t have an accurate count because the registration form only had space for a single name, but my best guess is that we had about 10% girls and 90% boys who attended.
There were 49 workstations in total between the two labs; in both sessions the Mac lab (with its better screens, better chairs, better mice) filled up completely. In the morning session there were about 6 empty PCs left unused; in the afternoon session every PC was used and we probably could have used a few more; the difference was simply more parents who decided to play in the afternoon.
We had more parents dive in and play this time, ranging from “okay, I’ll give it a try” parents, who played for 10 minutes, to parents who came with their own Minecraft accounts and played for the entire two hours.
I had planned to set up a MinecraftEdu server in “Tutorial World” mode to let parents completely new to Minecraft get a gentle introduction, and, in retrospect, I wish I had done this, as there were some parents who might have been more engaged if they’d had a basic introduction. It would have also helped to have a volunteer “parent concierge” to greet parents, tell them about the opportunity to play, and so on. I was able to do some of this myself, but when things got busy I got pulled away to solve technical issues and I didn’t get to meet everyone.

Creative vs. Survival
Having learned that some people like to play Minecraft in “Survival” mode and others in “Creative” mode, we set up two MinecraftEdu servers from the very beginning this week, and posted their respective IP addresses on the whiteboards in the labs. Interestingly, the morning and afternoon sessions were the opposite: in the morning it was mostly creative mode players, whereas in the afternoon in was mostly survival mode.
Run Your Own Server
About half-way through each session I interrupted the players and offered to show them how to run their own Minecraft servers if they wanted. This was easy to roll out because there’s a single installer package for both client and server: it has the option of installing the server if a checkbox is checked. Generally it took less than 5 minutes to get a player rolled out with their own server, and we had 4 or 5 people doing this, usually hosting a group of half a dozen or fewer friends on their servers. The Macs seemed more than capable of running both server and client at the same time.
The 3D Printer Interlude
Earlier in the week I’d figured out how to use the amazing Minecraft server which is set up to allow objects designed in Minecraft to be exported as 3D printer-friendly STL files. Don Moses at Robertson Library has been experimenting with a Ditto 3D printer in the library and printed me off a spoon that I designed in Minecraft (to go with the fork that he fabricated for me earlier in the week).

Don was around the library for the morning lab, and offered to show the 3D printer off to anyone who wanted to see it. A huge crowd descended on Don’s office – perhaps 20 of the participants and more than a few parents – and there was a lot of interest in both Printcraft and 3D printing.

The Lights
This week we offered to turn the lights off in the labs, leaving the screens to provide light; everyone said yes, and so we ran with the lights off in both rooms.
Hardware and Software
We had more players, so more technical issues, this weekend than last.
On the software side it tended to be players who lost their ability to create or destroy. Sometimes this could be traced back to an accidental re-assignment of the Minecraft controls; in other cases no cause could be found and the only solution was to restart their game.
Hardware-wise the only issue was headsets. In the PC lab there were no headsets, and therefore no call for them; in the Mac lab their are heavy headsets designed for the language lab, and in two or three cases these were missing or broken. For those that requested I was able to quickly solve this by checking out analog headsets from the circulation desk in the library which has a fleet of about a dozen for patrons to use in the library.
Unlike the first week, we had no complaints about “griefers” at all; I think this was due to two reasons. First, we purposefully disabled TNT and fire from both servers, and so provided no opportunity for the “let’s blow everything up” fest that happened the week before. Second, by giving players the chance to run their own servers, we created a “release valve” for any situations that might have arisen otherwise. And, of course, we may have simply ended up with a more genteel crowd this week than last.
We had a huge boost this week from Nicholas MacDonald, a graduating UPEI Computer Science student in the Video Gaming Specialization who volunteered for both the morning and afternoon sessions. Not only did Nick take over the operation of the servers, making sure they were tuned properly and not too loaded, but he was also a fantastic helper for those who ran into problems, both hardware and software. This left me free to step back and observe a little more, and even to play some Minecraft myself.
What’s Next?
We had 120 players through Open Minecraft Lab over two weekends, and I know anecdotally that there are more who wanted to attend and couldn’t. So the interest is there.
Other than the time to run the labs itself, it takes an hour or two of time during the registration period the week before to handle emails related to registration, deal with cancellations and so on, so it’s not a huge time commitment to run the lab. Promotion was through Twitter, Google+, Facebook and, mostly, through the school and friend grapevine of the players themselves.
Robertson Library seems happy to have the lab used, and the hardware setup and the support there is fantastic, so if we want to repeat the lab, or make it a regular thing, there’s certainly the venue to do it at. The library, however, is closed on Saturdays until the fall, so Saturday mornings will no longer be available.
I’m going to think about “where to from here,” and ask those who attended the first round via email, to gauge whether this is something we should end here or keep going.
The Guild got a new sign on the front yesterday. While I am generally against flashy electronic signs, watching the toils of The Guild staff in wrangling the letters onto the old manual sign in the cold and the rain makes the advantages of the new sign clear. And, of course, the new sign offers opportunities for hacking that the old sign did not.
The Modern Language Lab in Robertson Library has a fleet of 30 iMac computers that can be managed by the (dreamy) Apple Remote Desktop management application. From the instructor machine at the head of the room you can install software, observe, control and even issue command line commands on any or all of the machines in the lab.
When it came time to install Minecraft on all of these machines for our Open Minecraft Lab last Saturday we ran into the problem of the MinecraftEdu installer not being a bona fide Apple install package, so the software-installing magic of Remote Desktop couldn’t be used. Instead I needed to copy the JAR file onto each desktop and then have particpants double-click on it to start the install process.
This was fine, except for the fact that you can’t use Remote Desktop to copy files to iMacs that aren’t already logged in, so I needed to wait for each participant to login (the username and password are both langlabXXX where XXX is the number assigned to each machine, and both are pasted on a label on the front of the machine). What I really wanted, to make things go more smooth, was a way to log in all of the machines before we started, copy the file, and be ready to go out of the gate. Turns out that I could use the command line-sending magic of Remote Desktop to achieve this:
MYIP=`ifconfig en0 | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f4 -d.`
echo $MYIP
osascript <
keystroke "langlab$MYIP"
keystroke return
delay 0.5
keystroke "langlab$MYIP"
delay 0.5
keystroke return
keystroke return
end tell
The first part of the code gets the last segment of the IP address for the machine where the script is running – so if the IP address is the returns 136 – as that’s the number assigned to each machine and is the XXX part of the username and password.
The second section of the code uses the osascript command to send Applescript to the machine, essentially “typing in” the username and password and pressing return after each.
This works well, and can be run on all machines at once simply by selecting the machines in question from the Remote Desktop dashboard.
The only weak point comes if any given machine doesn’t have focus on the username field, which is where the Applescript assumes there is focus; I haven’t found a workaround for this yet.
I had so much fun eating my salad with my 3D-printer-printed-fork today that I decided to see if I could have soup next time and use a 3D-printer-printed-spoon.
To this end, I found my way to which runs a special Minecraft server wherein you can use Minecraft’s building tools to create objects and then (literally) push an in-world “Print” button to generate a 3D-printer-friendly .STL file.
So I fired up my Minecraft client, designed myself a spoon, generated and downloaded the .STL file (you can grab it here if you want to print it yourself), and emailed it off to Don, the friendly 3D-printed-managing librarian. A few minutes later Don sent back a rendering of the spoon ready to be printed:
Don will print the spoon tomorrow and, assuming it holds water, I will eat soup for lunch.
Thanks to the tenacity and drive of librarian Don Moses, Robertson Library now has a 3D printer, a Ditto. Don spent the past weekend assembling the kit from scratch, and so when I heard on Monday that it was all stitched together, I sent him an email:
Coming up to campus on Wednesday for lunch. Will I be able to print a fork?
To which Don quickly replied:
I plugged the printer in … lights came on, fans whirled, did not go to home position so I’ve got some calibration to do. If I can print a fork I will :)
To which I replied:
Perhaps the motivation of knowing I will have to eat with my hands will inspire you to great feats of technical wizardry!
This morning I received a short email from Don:
Your fork awaits…
And, sure enough, when I arrived at Robertson Library this afternoon for my fortnightly lunch with Mark and Don, I was handed this:
Later, in his office, Don showed me the 3D digital object that was the source for the print:
It’s a little tinier that I needed, so there are some refinements for version 2.0 (Don just printed the object verbatim, without adjusting for scale or design).
But it’s a fork.
Made in the library.
Perhaps the first fork ever made in a library. Or at least in Robertson Library.
I look forward to seeing what emerges from the manufactory in Don’s office in the days and weeks to come.
I’m a big fan of Panic’s iPad app Status Board: it’s beautiful, and it’s easy to get your own data into. To that end, I took the PEI electricity data that I’m already scraping and created a CSV-formatted feed for Status Board. The result looks like this:
From left to right that’s the current electricity load, the current wind generation, the current fossil fuel generation (all of which are displayed in megawatts) and the percentage of the Island’s electricity load that’s being met by wind generation.
Today was the day to print the red layer on the Youngfolk & The Kettle Black coffee bags. It started off looking like this:
I struggled with various ways of squeezing “Young Folk Kettle Black” into the restricted space and position the coffee bag offered me (there are two vertical creases that need to be avoided). But no matter the orientation, I wasn’t happy with the result. I stared at each option. Walked away. Came back. Stared some more. And nothing made me happy.
So I took the chase off the press, took it upstairs, sorted the type back into its drawer, and started again, ending up with this:
Which, when printed, looked like this:
Which did make me happy. So I printed 160 bags:
I’m quite pleased with the result, given the contstraints. The final test will be seeing the bags filled with coffee and on the shelves of the Youngfolk roasting operation up the street on Victoria Row.
Sometimes the only solution to a design problem is to break up with your original visions and come up with something entirely new.
Comics and crosswords are some of the most interesting parts of the daily newspaper, especially when you’re reading archival issues. Here’s the “Daily Crossword” from the Charlottetown Guardian, February 3, 1949, from a beta version of I’ve prepared a PDF version for those of you who want to print it out and party like it’s 1949. (I’m particularly partial to 4 down).
Our morning session on April 27 filled up quickly, so we’ve arranged for this second session, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Please note that this afternoon session is a nut free event to accommodate the needs of some participants.
About the Lab
An informal opportunity to come and play Minecraft, the popular world-building game, with other people.
The emphasis will be on sharing what we know, on learning new tips and techniques: so please come with questions and answers, and your curiousity.
Who can attend?
You can be an absolute beginner, or a longtime player: we want to create an space for players of all skill levels to teach each other.
There is no age limit; people under 18 are asked to obtain permission from parent or guardian to attend, and parents are welcome to attend too, either to play or just to learn and help.
The lab is limited to 40 attendees, and you must register a spot in advance if you want to attend (parents or guardians accompanying player do not need to register).
If you registered for the April 20 lab, please let others register for this workshop as that lab filled up quickly and we know there are others who would like a chance.
Where is it?
The lab will be held in the Modern Language Lab at Robertson Library, University of PEI.
There is free parking on the UPEI campus, and the Charlottetown Farmer’s Market is just across the street and is a good place to stop for breakfast before or lunch after.
The lab is equipped with thirty 20” iMacs and 20 PCs. We’ll be running our own Minecraft servers in the lab so that players can play together; we’ll have both a “survival” and “creative” mode server running.
How much does it cost?
The workshop is free.
You do NOT need to have a Minecraft account (but you can use your Minecraft account if you have one).
What do I need to bring?
You don’t need to bring a computer: we have enough Macs and PCs so that everyone can use their own.
Question from Parents?
Minecraft is being used by educators to teach everything from technology to engineering to math to architecture. The MinecraftEdu website is a good clearinghouse for information about the use of Minecraft in schools.
This lab is being organized by Peter Rukavina, Hacker in Residence, University of PEI. You can phone me at (902) 892-2556 or email is you have any questions or concerns.
I hosted my first Open Minecraft Lab yesterday in Robertson Library at the University of PEI. Because one of the goals of the project is to spread word of our experiences, I’m documenting here some of the details of how we set things up, and how the day went. I’ll update this next week after we have our second session.
Because there are a limited number of computers in the labs, it seemed wise to have people register in advance. There are 29 Macs in the Modern Language Lab and 20 PCs in the LINC lab next door; I set the capacity at 40 to account for extra people showing up, parents who wanted to play, and equipment failure.
To manage the registration itself, I used Drupal 7 and the Node Registration module, a module that allows any type of Drupal content to have registrations attached to it.
I set up a new “workshop” content type in Drupal, with a datetime field for the start and end of the registration, separate “registration starts” and “registration ends” fields, and a field for capacity, and then wired these fields up to the Node Registration settings.
I then simply created a new “workshop” node for the April 20 Open Minecraft Lab, with a description of the event, and the dates and times and capacity set appropriately. The end effect was that a registration form was automatically attached to the node when it was published, and each time a registration was received the number of “available slots” was decremented by one so that when all 40 slots were filled registrations were closed.
A few lessons learned here:
- I originally didn’t allow more than one person per “registration”, but soon found that parents with more than one child wanted to register them both and hit the restriction of “one registration per email address” imposed by the module. To work around this, I modified the Workshop content type and the Node Registration settings to enable a drop-down list selection of 1 to 3 “slots” to be consumed by each registration.
- I didn’t anticipate the workshop filling up entirely, and didn’t realize that the registration form would disappear when it did, so I had language in the body of the workshop node that said “fill in the registration below” which people who encountered the node once registration closed found confounding (and resulted in 4 or 5 emails and a couple of voicemails). To solve this, I simply removed this language and added a bold, highlighted note to the form once registration was closed.
- Also to this end I built a Drupal View (Node Registration has excellent Views support) that displayed, one the front page of this website, the capacity and available slots for each lab.
The first 25 slots filled up in about 24 hours; I was able to open up the second lab two days later and the remaining 15 slots filled up in another 24 hours and I continued to get requests for additional spots that I had to turn down. In the end almost everyone came, but there were about 8 PCs that went un-used, mostly because there was no hardware failure, and no parents choose to play, so I could have booked in more participants.
The age of the participants ranged from 6 to 15; the average age was 10. There were 3 girls and 37 boys registered.
What to do with the parents?
One of the things I wanted to stimulate was parents and guardians and their kids playing Minecraft together, or at least learning together. I also didn’t want to be solely responsible for wrangling 40 kids by myself, so I encouraged parents to stay and participate.
What ended up happening was a mix: some parents and guardians left to go shopping or run errands, some sat beside their kids and watched or helped, some hung out in the lab, and some took advantage of the resources of Robertson Library.
There turned out to be no “wrangling” issues at all: the participants were all great.
I’d still like to get parents playing Minecraft, though.

Hardware and Software
Robertson Library has a very good setup, hardware-wise, for hosting labs like this.
The Modern Language Lab has 29 Macs with the username and password pasted on the front and home directories that reset on logout, meaning that people who login are free to do pretty much anything – install software, change settings, etc. – in a way that won’t adversely affect the next person to come along.
Similarly, the PCs in the LINC lab next door allow for software installation and settings changes (although they’re a little more vulnerable because they don’t reset on logout, to any changes that are made are persistent).
The Macs were clearly the better workstations: they’re newer, faster, have better screens, keyboards and mice and the Modern Language Lab is a much more pleasant space. The PCs are olders, grungier, have tiny screens, and seem as slow as molasses compared to the Macs. However Minecraft itself, once running, seemed to run equally well in either environment.
The PCs were lacking headphones or speakers and were thus silent; the Macs, being in a language lab, each had a hefty headset and boom microphone: some of the participants used these, but most didn’t, either because they didn’t need sound, or because the headsets were too heavy or too large for their heads.
Minecraft Server Software
I purchased the special education-focused “mod” of Minecraft called MinecraftEdu to run the Minecraft server on, and ran this on the instructor Mac in the Language Lab. Because this Mac is on the same LAN as all of the Macs and PCs in both labs, there were no networking issues to solve: all the workstations could “see” the server on the LAN.
The Minecraft server software ran without issue on the Mac and, indeed, the Mac seemed capable of supporting both the server and the client at the same time. Indeed, several of the participants asked to be able to run their own server – to create a private world with a few friends, for example – and this proved problem-free.

Minecraft Client Software
I also used the special MinecraftEdu client. Pre-installing this on all the workstations was going to be time-consuming, so I worked up a set of instructions for the Mac and PC, printed these out and put a copy in front of every workstation.
For the Macs, I used Apple Remote Desktop, which was already installed on the instructor Mac. It’s an amazing piece of software that allows the instructor Mac to install software, copy files and observe and control workstations in the lab. The one limitation I found was that the workstations need to be logged in to be able to copy files, so I had to have each participant login, and then raise their hand so I could then copy the Minecraft client installer to their desktop. This worked well, but it slowed things down a little.
For the PCs, I took advantage of a shared network drive accessible by all of the workstations on bootup: I put the Minecraft installer in that directory, and participants simply ran it from there.
Most everyone was off and playing Minecraft within 10 minutes of arriving, and other than a copy of clients that crashed and a few that got their Minecraft controls reset, everything went well technically.

What about Minecraft accounts?
In general, playing Minecraft requires having a Minecraft account, which costs $26.95 is is available for purchase online. The MinecraftEdu project offers educators discounted $18 accounts (sold as “gift codes” redeemable from Minecraft itself). Of the 40 registrations received, most already had a Minecraft account, and so I purchased 5 discounted accounts to distribute as needed.
As it turned out, it’s possible to play the MinecraftEdu client in “offline” mode – good for situations where the clients are behind a restrictive firewall – and when this is done there is no prompting for a Minecraft account. To keep things simple, our instructions were tailored to running Minecraft in this mode; participants were welcome to login with their Minecraft accounts if they wanted to, but this wasn’t required. This discovery was positive as regards to prospect of running a Minecraft lab inside schools: as long as the MinecraftEdu server and client can be installed on workstations in a school, there should, in theory, be no need to deal with networking or firewall issues.
Playing Minecraft
I knew going into this experience that I knew next to nothing about Minecraft and that almost everyone attending would know more than me. That’s why I titled the event a “lab” and not a “workshop” or a “seminar” or a “camp.” The idea was that people could come and play Minecraft with each other, and in doing so they could learn from each other and I could learn from all of them.
This is exactly how it worked out. When I got a question I couldn’t answer, I tried my best to hook up participants with questions with those that might have answers. There was a running chat inside Minecraft itself where I could see questions being asked and answered, and questions like “how do I stop flying” got shouted out and quickly answered.
There were a couple of really helpful participants who took time out of their own gaming to help others, and that was a big help.
I started off the Minecraft server in “survival” mode, but without monsters, which I figured provided a good challenge but less to fear for younger players; about 45 minutes into the lab I started to get requests to put the server into “creative” mode, and to avoid interrupting people mid-game, I installed a second server on one of the Macs in “creative” mode and those that wanted to play on it could just change the IP address of the server they were connected to.
By the end of the day there were also two participants running their own servers on their Macs, either because they wanted things configured differently or because they wanted a private world to play with a select few others. Those running their own servers got to set a “teacher” password on start, which allow them to then experience the variety of special MinecraftEdu teacher-focused settings (being able to teleport others, being able to turn on and off game features, etc.).
Griefing is a part of the Minecraft culture to the point where it has its own page in the Minecraft wiki where it’s described as “the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering.” I didn’t know the term until I started to hear it shouted out – “whoever’s griefing, please stop it!”. What was happening is that some kids were spending a lot of time building houses and buildings and other constructions, and others were going around blowing them up or smashing them (in hindsight this was partially my fault, as I enabled the “allow fire and TNT” setting in the server).
At one point I was called upon to “do something about the griefers,” but opted not to, both because I had little idea exactly what I’d do (identify the griefers and ban them?), and also because I didn’t cast myself in the role of managing the virtual environment: if the participants wanted to control griefing, they’d need to figure out a way of doing it themselves. As it turned out, the lab ended before this really came to a head, but I’m thinking about next week’s lab and possibly options: I might run a server with various anti-griefing mods applied, I might run two servers, one “free for all” and one more disciplined. Or I might just let it work itself out.
My son Oliver helped the night before with setup and testing (part of the reason things went so well technically is that we tested all the instructions a couple of times and updated them as we encountered problems). Frances Squire, a grade 9 teacher from Birchwood Intermediate who is deeply engaged in technology education, was a great help, solving technical issues and helping to create an air of civility. And several parents jumped into the breach to help solve technical issues.
The participants themselves were a great help to me and to each other, sharing what they knew and sharing what they learned. The vibe in the lab was generally helpful and open, and I think everyone came away feeling positive about the experience.
Jerrad Gilbert, who provides technical support services for Robertson Library, was an invaluable help in guiding me through the ins and outs of the hardware and software setup in the labs; he was patient and helpful and I can’t imagine having pulled off the lab without him.
And of course the “openness” of the labs themselves, which reflects an underlying openness of the library, made all of this possible: all PEI teachers should be exposed to the Modern Language Lab at UPEI to see what a well-resourced, progressively-managed educational computer lab looks like.
What’s next?
We have another lab scheduled for next Saturday morning that’s already fully booked. I’ve asked whether it might be possible to open up an afternoon session for next week to allow for more registrations and I’m waiting to hear back. In general I’ll run things next week as I did this week, although I’d like to be able to take more time to observe and to play myself.