Recorded in our car at the old Rainbow Valley site in Cavendish.

I’ve whipped up a little tutorial about controlling Plazer with Salling Clicker. The end result: when I enter my office with my mobile phone in my pocket, Plazer marks me “Connected” and when I leave the office, I’m automagically marked “Not Connected.”

It’s very cool to watch once it’s working (and it’s easy to get working if you’ve got a Mac, Plazer, and a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device and Salling Clicker).

At Adam Curry’s suggestion, I got myself a MySpace profile. I imagine [[Oliver]] will have one, of his own volition, within the month; as a Responsible Parent, I need to see what the kids are up to these days.

I figured if I did a search of Charlottetown I might find a MySpace user or two. To my surprise, there are 1487 MySpace users within 5 miles of where I type. Who knew.

And they’re not all young rockers: Lobie Daughton and Campbell Webster are both there. I halfway expect to encounter Wilbur MacDonald in there somewhere (with apologies to Wilbur for using him as the archetypal “non-young rocker”).

Off to type my list of favourite bandz in.

Tomorrow is “Good” Friday. So we’ve all got the day off (or at least free to engage in solemn remembrance, etc.). For we of the tea-drinking persuasion, however, the day brings danger: Shoppers Drug Mart is out of Honest Tea, both outlets of the [[Formosa Tea House]] will be closed for the day, as will [[Interlude]] and [[Monsoon]]. Perhaps I’ll have to make my own tea.

[[Catherine]] has an appointment out in Hunter River for the day, and [[Oliver]] and I might use the opportunity for a drive to loop up to PEI National Park for a hike in the woods. Perhaps they’ll have tea on in Rustico?

At least we’ve got a free pass from doing yard work; according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Creoles of Louisiana believed that if the ground were cut open on this day, Christ’s blood would run out into the rows.

We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we.

I’m sad to report that PDFReports, an excellent Romanian-built product that I talked about in this video about the 2003 election, has been discontinued by Interakt. In response to an email I sent yesterday, I got the following kind reply this morning:

I am sorry to inform you but the PDF Reports tool has been discontinued for the past 2 years. We are no longer supporting nor updating this tool, so my best advice would be to search for something else that will offer you the same type of functionality.
What I can tell you is that due to the fact it has not been updated, PDF Reports will not work properly with PHP 5. I do feel sorry about this. If there is anything else we can do for you please let me know.

I’ve used PDFReports for a variety of systems: it produced the List of Electors for the 2003 election and for the municipal elections that followed, and we use it at [[Yankee]] to produce financial reports. It’s flexible, has an XML-based template system, and is quite extensible in PHP. So before we make the jump to PHP5 at [[Elections PEI]] and [[Yankee]], I’ll be looking for a replacement.

One of my Copenhagen team points to christiania bikes as a possible way of meeting our transport needs when we visit this spring:

Christiania bikes was, as the name suggests, developed in car-free Christiania, Copenhagen. Bicycle trailers, an early product, were followed on the market in 1984 by the first CA-Bike. The bikes were developed in dialogue with the consumers, and safety, quality and durability became the hallmarks of the design. Outside Christiania notice was taken of these solid environmental bikes, which are now exported around the world.

I find myself in the same odd position as the Atlantic Technology Centre (for the first time, I think!). If you go to their website with a .com on the end, you’ll get a helpful teen porn guide (their actual web address ends in .ca). Same thing, alas, with Oh well. At least r - u - k - dot - c - a has a sort of rhythm to it.

The Plazes API has gone 1.0, and has lots of interesting new features. But, oddly, no “launch” method. Update: there’s a new Plazer API for this (thanks Stefan).

I brought the camera alone on my way to work this morning and took some photos of spring’s arrival in Charlottetown.

I was down on Queen Street this evening, on my way to the Churchill Arms for dinner with [[Catherine]] and [[Oliver]], and I popped my head into the old Carter’s building across the street to see how the renovations are coming along on the new grocery store.

To my surprise they’re making excellent headway: the wall between the two halves of the building has been breached and dry-walled, there’s a new floor installed, and coolers are set up along one wall. It looks like they could be open with a month.

About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch ( is the quickest way). 

I have been writing here since May 1999: you can explore the 25+ years of blog posts in the archive.

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