It seems that at least four of Prince Edward Island’s radio stations are streaming their programs to the Internet:

Just before 9:00 a.m. this morning the power went out on Prince Edward Island from West Royalty all the way to East Point. The Maritime Electric trouble line reports that they haven’t located the source of the problem yet. Meanwhile things are humming along upstairs in the Data Centre, courtesy of generators at [[silverorange]] and [[ISN]].

Here’s an inside look at Data Centre in “emergency operations mode.” Note the coffee maker.

And here’s a shot of [[Nathan]]’s laptop, running off the generator, showing live video of an eagle in British Columbia streaming. I think he was just showing off ;-)

The Brackley Drive-in Theatre is opening early this year: starting May 5 the theatre will be open weekends (daily shows start later in the season). The first double feature: Mission Impossible 3 and Failure to Launch.

The Gros Morne Project, a production of my friends at Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie, now has its own website.

One of the items that came up in our big Montreal summit meeting at Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie was that they need a better way of handling their telephone life. Right now they’ve got one incoming telephone line that they use for home and business, and so end up with a confusing mix of personal and business calls. To say nothing of the challenges of handling calls when they’re in Russia.

Having a handy Asterisk-based telephone system here in Charlottetown, I was able to jump to the rescue: I bought a $3.50/month Montreal number from GloboTech (easy to do, excellent service and documentation), routed it through my Asterisk system and created a custom set of voicemail prompts.

So now callers can phone a local Montreal number, get prompted for [[Laurence]], [[Bill]] or [[Cyrille]], and their call can get routed to the appropriate land line, cell phone or email box depending on who is where.

Total time from dream to implmentation: 45 minutes. Cool.

Okay, so I’ve managed, through the process of trial and error, to figure out how much [[Rogers Wireless]] charges for data access with a “Pay As You Go” account.

There is an air of confusion over the entire issue because their rates page says only that they charge 2 cents per page for “Surfing on your mobile Internet browser.” They don’t list any rates for data that isn’t “surfing” and therefor doesn’t involve “pages.”

To deduce what they do charge, then, I did a test with my [[Nokia N70]], which has a byte counter (look under Log \| Packet Data) and an IMAP client. I reset the counters, checked my account balance on the Rogers website, checked my email, noted the total of the “data sent” and “data received” counters, and then checked my account balance again.

Total data transferred during the IMAP mail check was 9.92kb, or 10158 bytes. Total charge was 50 cents. So it looks like the data charge is 5 cents per kilobyte.

This is tantamount to “so expensive as to be completely useless.” To give you an idea of how expensive: uploading this photo would have cost me $6.60 and downloading today’s episode of the Daily Source Code would cost $2856.

It turns out that, buried deep within their website Rogers does, indeed, reveal this rate:

Data usage with data devices or integrated phone and data devices on Pay As You Go service will be charged at 5 cents / kb. A minimum account balance of $5.00 is required to access the navigate mobile Internet. Balance is held for the duration of the navigate session and credited back to the Pay As You Go account at the end of the browsing session.

Things get somewhat cheaper if you’re not a “Pay As You Go” customer — Rogers’ consumer plans include one that provide 1MB of data transfer for $7/month, or 0.7 cents per kilobyte, with a 2 cents/kb rate over the 1MB amount. That would lower my Daily Source Code download to the $1000 range.

Obviously Rogers is positioning wireless data as a tool for millionaires and insane people.

Unable to handle the constant chiding about the fuzzy little photos coming out of my T610, I’ve upgraded to a Nokia N70. Here’s the first photo:

The Reinvented Office

If you’re a Rogers “Pay As You Go” wireless customer, you may have found yourself perplexed when attempted to contact a human being about your account. If you call the main customer service number for Rogers, they tell you that they can’t help you. If you call the number for “Pay As You Go” customer service, you appear only to be able to talk to a robot.

It seems, however, that you can punch through to a human being by saying “other options” when you’re asked what you want to do. Then you have to say “how to contact Rogers” and listen to a long spiel that includes the fax number, mailing address and website; only at the end of the spiel can you respond with “Yes” that you have “an urgent issue” that requires talking to a real person.

Back on Island soil just before supper today after a quick jet flight from Montreal. I finally figured out why sometimes it feels like teleportation getting to or from Montreal and sometimes it feels like molasses: the jet takes an hour and half while the old Dash 8s take an hour longer.

The approach into the Charlottetown Airport on this sunny day was stunning, and all the first-timers were agog, finding the aerial beauty of PEI awe-inspiring. Which it is, of course. The approach took us right over the bridge, over Hunter River almost to the north shore, and then around over Brackley Beach and down along the Brackley Point Road into the airport.

The primary obstacle to my grand “work anywhere” plan is turning out to be ergonomics: here in the office I’ve got an adjustable desk adjusted to the perfect height for my aging wrists; out there in the real world most typing surfaces are too high by about 5 inches, and I’m forever trying to rig up chairs with multiple pillows and towers of old Yellow Pages to craft a reasonable facsimile of a good workstation. It never works, and my productivity goes into a hole. I’ve got to figure this one out — perhaps some sort of folding desk that fits in a suitcase?

Working anywhere was one of my themes with [[Bill]] and [[Laurence]] during our day together on Tuesday: their artistic itinerance sees them often setting up in strange places for weeks at a time, and they need an efficient way of creating an “office in a box” that will let them bring email, phone, and fax with them. We’re hatching some interesting plans to this end, and the acid test will come in July when they’re in Cow Head, Newfoundland for a month.

[[Steve]] and I had a good time last night and this morning hanging out. Of special note was our lunch today at Byblos on Laurier. It’s a “middle eastern fusion coffee shop” that serves great food and world-class hot chocolate (among other things). On the next block we found Olive and Olives, a sort of olive oil head shop with a stunning array of oil and related products.

The “returning the car to Thrifty” experience was as depressing as the “picking up the car from Thrifty” experience, albeit with a nicer clerk. I’d filled the tank up at the airport gas station (tangent: kudos to the Trudeau Airport for having a centrally located and obvious gas station that’s reachable on the way to car rental return; that’s rare) but the clerk charged me $23.00 as a “fuel surcharge.” He took me out to the car and showed me that the gas gauge wasn’t reading full, so he wasn’t being evil; but my protest that I had, in fact, filled it up with gas two minutes earlier fell on deaf ears. So he wasn’t in the wrong, but he didn’t do much to win my business for the next time.

As is my habit when traveling in strange lands, I surfed the cold beverages aisle of the local grocery last night here in Montreal. This time my great find was a bottle of Bière d’épinette — Spruce Beer — from local bottler Marco Beverages.

And, as you might expect from something called Spruce Beer, drinking it feels just like drinking a forest. It brought back all sorts of memories of my time in the lumber camps (although I had no such time) and was unusually refreshing.

As a special bonus, Marco’s product comes in a hearty brown glass bottle with a ye olde articulated top.

Makes me pine for the old pre-takeover Seaman’s Beverages with its cavalcade of flavours.

About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch ( is the quickest way). 

I have been writing here since May 1999: you can explore the 25+ years of blog posts in the archive.

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