
On April 21, 1959 Prince Street School presented Rumpelstiltzkin in the Prince of Wales College Auditorium.  My friend G. was in the cast and, as is his wont, he saved the program, which he loaned to me to scan and preserve online.

Among the cast and crew you’ll find the names of many people alive and well and still living on Prince Edward Island today.

You can read the entire thing in this PDF file of the Rumpelstiltzkin program.

The common thread running through a lot of my work recently is this: if we become more aware of the metrics related to our everyday life we gain a deeper understanding of our behaviour and are more likely, and more able, to affect positive change.

Whether this so-called “personal telemetry” concerns bandwidth or energy, or physical fitness, being directly or peripherally aware of our consumption and action patterns is a useful tool for understanding more about ourselves.

In 2010 the Province of Prince Edward Island spent $3,655 per capita on operating health expenses. Health spending consumes 30% of the provincial budget every year, over $444 million in last year; it’s the largest slice of the provincial budget by far.

So you’d think it might be a good idea, personal telemetry-wise, if we all were more conscious of our personal impact on this budget item. To that end, back in May I sent an email to Health PEI, the provincial body here on Prince Edward Island that manages the health system:

I’m interested in obtaining a digital record of the transactions under what I would call, for lack of knowledge of the terminology, my “health care account” — in other words, all of the payments to doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs, etc. paid out by Health PEI attached to my Health Card account for as long as records are available.

I had no idea what I’ve been costing the health system; if you told me it was $10,000 over 18 years I’d be as likely to believe you as if you told me it was $2 million. I figured if I had a greater sense of what ever visit to the doctor was costing the system, I’d factor this into my decisions about, say, whether that head cold really warranted a trip to the doctor or not.

A few days later came a reply to my query:

Our Information Co-ordinator has indicated to me that you should submit a FOIPP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) request. Attached is the Access to Information form which you can complete and submit to our co-ordinator.

And so I that same day I sent in my FOIPP request:

What I asked for was:

Digital record of financial transactions related to my health care (PEI Health Card # XXXXXX). I’m interested in all financial transactions related to doctors visits, hospital care, emergency room visits, lab tests, etc. with as much detail as available (date, amount, description, account, etc.). I would prefer the information in an open digital format, such as CSV or XML format.

I received a quick response to my request, saying, in part:

We will provide the information available to you under the Act as quickly as possible. Although the Act allows a maximum of 30 days to respond, we will reply sooner than June 27, 2011, if possible.

A month to the day after I sent my request I received the formal reply to my request:

The response included a two page print-out (ignoring my request for digital information) that listed my “resident history” of health transactions from January 1, 1996 to June 20, 2011, like this:

There are 58 transactions in total, covering visits to my family doctors, to walk-in clinics and to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. There are several pieces of information that I know to be inaccurate – procedures that happened at Prince County Hospital in Summerside, for example, that are listed as having happened at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown; or an item described as “abnormal weight loss” that was actually my annual physical (that involved no weight loss at all) – but otherwise it seems like a pretty complete review of my interactions with the health system.

But no financial information was included at all, which defeats the purpose of my request.

This was explained in two parts; regarding hospital visits:

In response to your request for financial transactions related to hospital care, emergency room visits, lab tests, etc., the PEI Health Plan does not reimburse hospitals or health facilities within PEI for specific services/procedures. Instead, hospitals receive a global funding allotment as part of the approved budget of Health PEI and provide all services under this global budget. The PEI budget can be obtained on the government web site at 

Although it’s an unsatisfying response, if they don’t track spending on a patient-by-patient basis there’s nothing that they have that they’re not providing me, so nothing more that I can request.

The response regarding payments to physicians, however, revealed information that they do have but they’re specifically denying me access to (emphasis mine):

In response to your request for payments made to physicians, we have enclosed a hard copy of all services provided to you under your health card number from January I. 1996 (the first date for which we have data) to June 10, 2011. However, a payment made to a physician is the physician’s personal information and is therefore not ours to disclose. General information related to payments for physicians can be found in the Master Agreement between the Medical Society of PEI and the Government of PEI which is available on the government web site at 

The “Master Agreement” referenced in this explanation is a 205 page document containing a 149 page Tariff of Fees. The “description” column in the list of transactions I was provided with doesn’t relate directly to the tariff – for example, I had my gallbladder out in April of 2003 and this is listed on the sheet that I was provided as four items:

There are two “Cholelithiasis Nos” items, a “Oth Spec Prob Influenc Health” item and a “Day Surgery - Hospital Payment” item. None of these are tariff descriptions, and so there’s no way for me to determine what the cost to the health system of each was.

I dispute the assertion that “a payment made to a physician is the physician’s personal information and is therefore not ours to disclose.” The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 15, paragraph 2(f) reads:

A disclosure of personal information is not an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy if the disclosure reveals financial and other details of a contract to supply goods or services to a public body.

That description seems, to my eyes, to map directly to this situation.  I have 65 days from the receipt of Health PEI’s response to as the Information and Privacy Commissioner to review the response, and I’m drafting that letter now. I’ll report back when they reply.

Well, that was disconcerting: I was looking for a link to “Green Mountain Letterpress” in Google, and between search results pages two and three Google appears to have launched a redesign of its search results page:

Google Redesign Launched Mid-Search (Before)

Google Redesign Launched Mid-Search (After)

My favourite acquisition at the Printing Arts Fair in North Andover, Massachusetts a couple of weeks ago was a wooden tray of letterpress line rule I purchased from Robert Metzler from Green Mountain Letterpress. He sold me the entire tray for $1.

Line rule is lead or press rule that’s “type high” – the same height as letters that you’d use to print – and so it’s used, as the name suggests, to make tables, lines and other “rules.” There’s a smattering of “perf rule” in the tray as well; this is made from harder metals and has a jagged edge and is used to cut perforations in printed matter.

The $1 deal turned out to be a rather expensive dollar in the end, as I then had to pack and ship 17 pounds of lead to Canada via UPS (there being a postal strike on). But it arrived quickly and in good shape and today I brought it to the office for opening. Here’s the “unboxing” photos:

Line Rule Unboxing #1

Line Rule Unboxing #2

Line Rule Unboxing #3

Line Rule Unboxing #4

Line Rule Unboxing #6

If you read this blog in a web browser (and not, say, via RSS, or, in the future, via a mind meld with my petrified brain), then you’ll notice that I’m doing some experimenting with Google Web Fonts for styling headlines and body copy. Right now there’s OFL Sorts Mill Goudy TT in the body and PT Sans for headlines. Only an experiment for now, and may disappear or change. Bear with me.

Oliver and Catherine leave Tuesday for a couple of weeks in Ontario. Then, in mid-July, we all rendezvous in Halifax to fly to Berlin and we’ll not be back from Europe until August 26th.

Which meant that yesterday was the last father-and-son Saturday of summer for Oliver and I. It was rainy and chilly and not really all that summery at all. But it was all we had, and I resolved that we’d try to squeeze a whole bunch of our summertime activities into a single day.

We started at the Charlottetown Farmers’ Market, as we usually do on Saturday mornings, having our smoked salmon bagels and saying good-bye to all our regular vendors and friends.

From there it was out the Brackley Point Road to the Brackley Drive-in; it was the daytime, so no films to be seen. But I took the opportunity to shoot some new photos for the drive-in’s website, so it was sort of like going to the drive-in.

Next stop was a walk through the gardens at The Dunes and a look around the shops.

Then along the north shore through Oyster Bed and Wheatley River for a stop at the PEI Preserve Company for an unsweetened strawberry-kiwi iced tea on the front porch (where we watch untold hundreds of visiting cruise ship passengers pass through the doors in amazement) and a walk through the Gardens of Hope next door (if you’ve never walked those gardens you should; it’s a truly magical place).

Father and Son in Hammock

Down Route 13 into Hunter River and Hartsville and then the back way on the red clay heritage road to the Appin Road and out onto Route 1 to Victoria by the Sea where we had an excellent meal at the Landmark Café (I had the meat pie, which was fantastic, and Oliver had a grilled cheese sandwich, which he gobbled up quickly) followed by dessert across the street at Island Chocolates.

By 3:00 p.m. we were pulling into the driveway at 100 Prince Street happy and exhausted.

After 10 years, the owners of Formosa Tea House are packing up shop and moving to St. John’s, Newfoundland to start the next chapter of their lives.

The Formosa has been important to Charlottetown in so many ways: it was the bellwether of so much of what’s happened in the city’s restaurant scene in the last decade; it’s hard to remember that when they founded the tea house on University Avenue back in 2001 most everyone thought they were crazy – a tea house… in Charlottetown!?

But they persevered until customers found them, and then expanded into the bright yellow house on Prince Street where they found an even wider customer base. Along the way they created the kind of “third space” that was almost completely novel for Charlottetown: a peaceful, comfortable place with low prices and a welcoming attitude where you could just go and hang out for a while.

Rumour has it that the last day of operation in its current form will be this Tuesday, so if you’ve ever been a Formosa regular, you have two days to stop in an pay your respects.

As Chien and Fen move on, a new group of owners – monks from The Great Enlightenment Buddhist Academy in Little Sands – is gradually reshaping the place, and today was the day to start the repainting.

Painting Formosa Tea House

I’ll be operating the 1890 Golding letterpress at Kwik Kopy this afternoon from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. as part of the open house at their expanded facility at the corner of Queen and Euston in Charlottetown. Please come along and see the press in action, pick up a letterpress-printed something and see behind the scenes at Kwik Kopy.

Later the same day…

Kwik Kopy Showcard

Read to Print

Mrs. Rachel Lynde

Lots of Questions

I did some letterpress printing today, taking the things I acquired last weekend at the Printing Arts Fair out for a ride.




Monotype Engravers Bold

A caution to those of you who might someday have cause to transport metal type in your carry-on luggage through airport security: when the security agents look at it on their X-ray machine, like Superman being protected from Kryptonite, it shows up as an impenetrable blob and makes them them “hmmmm….” and proceed to disassemble the carrier’s luggage, the packaging around said metal type, re-X-ray and so on. The TSA agents at Logan Airport who did this on Tuesday were extremely careful and pleasant about this, and although I was delayed 20 minutes, it was about as pleasant a 20 minutes as you can imagine spending at a TSA checkpoint.

When I came to pass through security at Trudeau Airport in Montreal on the next leg of my journey I removed the type from my luggage and placed it in the tray with my liquids and my laptop and the security people didn’t bat an eye or ask a question.

A few weeks ago I got an email from Bob Gray, bon vivant, man about town, and summertime restaurant reviewer for The Guardian newspaper: he wanted to write about the burgeoning Asian restaurant scene in Charlottetown, and wondered if I’d serve as a guide. Always willing to shed more light on this less-discovered slice of the city’s culinary landscape, and always eager to accept a free meal, I agreed.

Which is how I ended up across the table from Bob and his wife Earlene at Tai Chi Gardens at 11:30 a.m. this morning, on stop number one of a four-restaurant tour of the scene.

It’s odd, having lived on Prince Edward Island for almost 20 years, and have a good portion of my friends and acquaintances who are also friends with Bob and Earlene, that we’d never met. But we hadn’t. And so today’s adventure, for me, was a short course in them as much as it was a short course in Asian food for them.

After snacks and drinks at Tai Chi Gardens we headed over to Ta-Ke Sushi for sushi and tempura, then to Sushi Jeju for vegetable samosas, Indian fried rice, and teriyaki salmon. The plan had been to finish off with dessert and Korean tea at SeoulFood, but when we showed up at 3:00 p.m. there was a “closed until 3:30” sign, so our tour finished without a final flourish. But we were full and happy nonetheless.

Earlene and Bob were excellent dining companions, and I’m looking forward to reading what hits The Guardian from Bob’s pen the Saturday after next.

About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch ( is the quickest way). You can subscribe to an RSS feed of posts, an RSS feed of comments, or receive a daily digests of posts by email.
