Four Years Later

It’s the first day of school today – Oliver’s starting Grade 5, which seems somehow impossible. One of the secrets you learn early-on as a parent of school-age children is that teachers can be enormously helpful if you reach out to them; in our case Oliver’s new teacher, Mrs. Kiley, has already hosted us in his Grade 5 classroom twice already, once last week and once yesterday (on Labour Day, no less!), as it’s helpful for Oliver, when launching in to bold new projects, to have some idea of the terrain before things start in earnest.

Something new this year that I really appreciated: Charlottetown City Police had a cruiser with lights flashing on the street in front of the school and an officer stopped every car that passed and handed them a “traffic calming” brochure.

First Day, Grade One

The King of Prince Street

First Day, Grade Five

First Day of Grade 5


Valerie Bang-Jensen's picture
Valerie Bang-Jensen on September 7, 2011 - 14:30 Permalink

Any sign of the traffic light bird?