Live From the Formosa Tea House: The Complete Series

Twelve years ago, in the late summer of 2004, Steven Garrity, Dan James and I started a podcast called Live from the Formosa Tea House, recorded very occasionally over lunch at the eponymous Formosa Tea House on Prince Street in Charlottetown. The primary claim to fame of the podcast was that it was among the first of the medium, following quickly on early experiments by Dave Winer and Adam Curry; the entire 6-episode, 7-year run of the podcast happened largely outside the current podcasting resurgence. 

Over the years the various MP3 files of the 6 episodes ended up scattered here and there, the victim of whatever blogging platform was in vogue at the time. I’ve spent the last couple of days consolidating all of the audio I’ve recorded over the years right here on this website, and thus, for the first time, you can listen to all 6 hours in one place. Enjoy.

Episode № Recorded On Audio
One September 8, 2004
Two September 16, 2004
Three January 31, 2005
Four July 13, 2005
Five November 2, 2005
Six June 27, 2011


Jeff Macklin's picture
Jeff Macklin on April 23, 2017 - 01:01 Permalink

Good evening. Attempting to listen to your podcasts, but they are not streaming - cold stops are random times. Using Chrome on an iMac. Any ideas?

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on April 23, 2017 - 13:22 Permalink

These are all just MP3 files under the hood, so it might be best, especially in times of poor bandwidth, to download the MP3 files and listen locally.