It’s Sankt Hans here in Denmark tonight. I’m busy learning the tune to Vi elsker vort land so as to be able to hold my own at the bonfires. Around supper time I’m headed down to Valby to join [[Olle]] and [[Luisa]] and Luisa’s family and friends. We love our country.
Sadly, George Carlin has died at 71. It was only Friday that I was thinking that I needed to dig up A Place for My Stuff — I was headed over to Malmö with a backup with a subset of my stuff (“now what stuff do I bring?!”).
Of course the routine that Carlin was known most for was “Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television.” Apparently you still can’t say these words on TV; witness this cowardly segment on CNN:

“A word for excretion.” What brave journalism.
The audacious monkey known as Curious George in Canada is known as Peter Pedal here in Denmark:

The Man with the Yellow Hat, however, retains his identity as Manden Med Den Gule Hat.
About a month ago [[Oliver]] and I had a few hours to kill on a Saturday afternoon. So I fired up the GarageBand, patched the audio gear in, brought in a bed track, and let Oliver have at it. I added some background vocals, did some light remixing, and this is the result. Perhaps only because I’m his father and love him dearly (and am very far away as I write), but listening to this brings a smile to my face every time.
Speaking of [[Olle]]: he mentioned to me last week that he has taken on the responsibility for the cooking from Monday to Thursday, a level of family commitment that I aspire to from (very) afar. He decided, to streamline the planning process, he would assign eat night a different theme: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are Swedish, Soup, Ethnic, and Fish respectively.
I decided that, if nothing else, he should be supported in his efforts. Which begat the procrastincation that is now
So now you too can know what Olle and Luisa are eating for dinner.
Apparently if you come to reboot enough times, eventually you organically become a speaker. And so it seems Thomas has moved my Working for Free proposal onto the things that will happen at reboot list. Comments, here or there, are welcome.
Nicole Simon recorded episode of her preboot interviews with me on the topic this evening where I start to explore the issue a little.