My old homebrew blogging system used a hierarchical set of categories to tag posts. It looked something like this:
- Technology
- Apple
- Steve Wozniak
- Backup
- Barcodes
- Apple
And so on. When I migrated the blog to Drupal, I needed a way of getting this set of categories out of the old system and into Drupal. Here’s how I did it.
First I created a new Drupal Vocabulary (Drupal-speak for “set of categories”) called “Topics” and then I looked in the drupal.vocabulary table to find that the vocabulary had a record number – or vid – of 5. I noted this for later.
The old system’s categories were stored in a MySQL table that looked like this:
CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `number` int(11) default NULL, `name` char(75) default NULL, `parent` int(11) default NULL, )
For each category there was a number, a name (like “Apple”) and the number of the parent category, if any. While there are various ways of importing categories into a Drupal “taxonomy”, none of them exactly fit the bill for me, so I decided to go the “write a PHP script to do it” route.
First I selected all of the categories, in numerical order (because I wanted to make sure that parents appeared before their children):
SELECT number,name,parent from categories order by number
For each of the categories I inserted a record into the Drupal term_data table:
INSERT into drupal.term_data (vid,name) values (5,'" . addslashes($name) . "')"
In then retrieved the tid (or “term ID”) value:
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as tid
and noted this for later use should I need to identify the ID of this category should it be a parent to a child encountered later. I then also inserted a record into the term_hierarchy table, using a value of either 0 (zero) for categories with no parent, or the tid value for the parent, noted earlier, for this with a parent:
INSERT into drupal.term_hierarchy (tid,parent) values ($tid,$parent)
Put it all together and the code looks something like this:
$query = "SELECT number,name,parent from categories order by number"; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($query); $howmanyrecords = MYSQL_NUMROWS($result); $currentrecord = 0 ; while ($currentrecord < $howmanyrecords) { $number = mysql_result($result,$currentrecord,"number"); $name = mysql_result($result,$currentrecord,"name"); $parent = mysql_result($result,$currentrecord,"parent"); $query2 = "INSERT into drupal.term_data (vid,name) values (5,'" . addslashes($name) . "')"; $result2 = MYSQL_QUERY($query2); $query2 = "select LAST_INSERT_ID() as tid"; $result2 = MYSQL_QUERY($query2); $tid = trim(MYSQL_RESULT($result2,$currentrecord2,"tid")); $tids[$number] = $tid; if ($parent <> '') { $parent = $tids[$parent]; } else { $parent = 0; } $query2 = "INSERT into drupal.term_hierarchy (tid,parent) values ($tid,$parent)"; $result2 = MYSQL_QUERY($query2); $currentrecord++; }
The end result was a 788-term vocabulary, with hierarchy preserved, in Drupal, ready to attach to the posts I would import next.
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