[[Oliver]] and I packed very light for our trip to Europe: just a single small backpack each. I’ve never regretted traveling lighter, and this was no exception: we were a lean, mean travel machine unencumbered by the need to check bags anywhere, and able to ditch our bags in railway station and museum lockers when it was convenient.

One downside to the super-light-packing lifestyle, though, is that there’s no room at all for things you might acquire on the road. This became a problem only when we reached do you read me?!, a wonderful magazine shop in Berlin. By the time we left I was €60 the poorer and lugging around a cloth bag full of magazines.

So our next stop was the Deutsche Post retail outlet on Torstraße, around the corner near Rosenthaler Platz.

It turned out to be super-easy to mail a box back to Canada. We picked the medium-sized box from the package display, and then found helpful Bernd at the counter who guided us through what needed to be done.

First, we had to cast off 0.8kg of magazines, as the lower-rate DHL Päckchen International package could only contain 2kg maximum. So we peeled out a couple of magazine for carrying in our packs.

Bernd then rustled up some bubble-wrap scraps for us to pack the magazines in with, and sealed up the box with packing tape. And we were ready.

Total cost for mailing the box back to Charlottetown, including the cost of the box itself, was €13.90.

Because Heathrow is where you go in Europe if you are flying to or from Halifax, Nova Scotia, inevitably every trip we take to Europe involves an overnight in London. Usually in a grungy hotel near Heathrow.

One of my favourite things to do while traveling is to turn travel white space into unexpected fun diversion, and so when [[Oliver]] and I found ourselves flying into Heathrow from Copenhagen on Sunday night arriving around suppertime, I immediately set out to find us something fun to do instead of simply hanging around the grungy hotel (in this case the Jury’s Inn, which is not really grungy as much as soulless).

As it happened, the night before I’d listened to the BBC film review podcast wherein Mark Kermode reviewed Hachi, a movie about a dog and Richard Gere. Suitable (perhaps) for kids.

Now as we’d seen Marley and Me in Slovakia last March, the stars seemed to be aligning in Hachi’s direction already, and a quick Google search revealed a 6:40 p.m. showing at the Cineworld in Feltham, a mere 4 miles away from the hotel.

And so it would be.

We arrived at the hotel around 5:00 p.m. and quickly made our way through customs and onto the Underground to travel up one stop to Hatton Cross. Walked the half-block to Jury’s Inn, checked in, dropped the luggage, and headed back to Hatton Cross where the friendly clerk told us to get bus number 90, for £2 (free for Oliver), and 15 minutes later we’d be at the cinema.

However. The bus schedule was such that were we to have followed this timetable we’d have been late for the film. So instead we hopped in a cab (waiting, conveniently, steps away) and for £9 we were at Cineworld 10 minutes later. With minutes to spare.

Hachi Sign at Cineworld

Here’s what’s different about cinemas in London from cinemas in Canada (or at least “here’s what’s different about Cineworld in Feltham from Empire Theatres in Charlottetown”):

  • Popcorn is offered salty or sweet: when you order it, the clerk says “salty or sweet?” Which is confusing if you don’t expect it.
  • Movies cost about the same: my ticket was the equivalent of $12 Canadian; I pay $11 at Empire Theatres.
  • The cinema was filthy: half-finished Ben and Jerry’s ice creams in the cup holders, trash on the floor, floor very stick, etc. (yes, pot calling kettle black).
  • No ads before the film (nice).

Otherwise things were pretty much as we expected (i.e. no assigned seats, no national anthem, etc.).

Hachi was exactly as Dr. Kermode reviewed: full of tear-jerking dog-related pathos. Oliver and I both enjoyed it.

Afterwords we headed out into the “Leisure West” area around the cinema – bowling alley, BINGO parlour, restaurants – and ended up eating at Burger King (it was that or Pizza Hut) where Oliver had not-horrible Char-grilled Chicken Fillet Strips (think “Chicken McNuggets without the deep-fried breading) and I had a BK Veggie Bean Burger (which was pretty much what you expect it is).

Bus Ticket from Cineworld to Hatton Cross

Once we’d eaten we walked 10 feet to the bus number 90 step and 10 minutes later we were en route back to Hatton Cross and 30 minutes later we were asleep in our Jury’s Inn beds.

The London bus system, by the way, is a marvel of clarity when it comes to signage: it’s easy to find out where the buses go from any stop, when they go, and where you can move on from there. We could learn a thing or two from them.

You’ve read the blog, now own the boots. Weird.

[[Oliver]] and I spent four nights at Casa Camper Berlin last week in the midst of our 8-day trip through northern Germany. It was the single greatest hotel experience of my life, the kind of experience that pushes me to encourage absolutely everyone I know – like all of you in the readership – to drop everything and book a room right now. Here’s why.


Elegant simplicity (like the Camper shoe brand that spawned it).

I’ve stayed in some ostentatious hotels – glasses of champagne on arrival, lobby filled with fountains, telephones in the bathrooms and a pants press in the bedroom.

Casa Camper is not that.

The exterior of the hotel is simple and witty.  The curtains, for example, are screened with the room numbers:



Inside there is tremendous attention to detail, from the paint colours to the single typeface that used consistently throughout the building:



And the rooms themselves are miracles of function: everything is just where it should be.

I walked out of the shower and turned to hang my towel and in that spot there was a hook for the towel.

In the ample multi-purpose dressing / working / organizing space of the room there are obvious plugs for charging things that need to be charged. There are no dresser-drawers-you’ll-never-use, but rather a well-designed set of open shelves.

There’s a lamp with a long extension cord that you can move about the room as needs dictate.

The beds and the pillows are simply comfortable, without any brocade or needless frills.

There’s a comfortable easy-chair and ottoman.

There are notepads in the places where you’d want to write notes.

The shower room is big enough to fit 6 people should you wish.

Alone each of these design choices is nice; together to work to make for a very comfortable, functional place to spend time.





No Surcharges

Nothing is an “extra charge” at Casa Camper: wifi is included, parking is included, breakfast is included, 24-hour snacks and drinks are included, use of the computers and printer in the business centre is included. In other words, your room rate is your room rate. Period.

It’s remarkable how much stress this simple feature relieves from a hotel stay.


The signature expression of “no surcharges,” and the best expression of the Casa Camper attitude, is Tentempié, the lounge cum breakfast room cum honour bar that takes up the entire 7th floor of the hotel.


When we first arrived at Casa Camper, tired after a day of travel and tramping around Berlin, we checked into our room and then took the elevator up to the 7th floor. Stepping off the elevator we were warmly greeted by Lukas, who showed us around and then asked us what he could get us; he suggested hot chocolate for Oliver, and a coffee for me, and a few minutes later returned to our table with a perfect cappuccino along with a flagon of steaming-hot milk and a glass lined with dark chocolate to pour it into. Suffice to say, the edge was quickly honed off the day.


Later that night we returned to Tentempié for a snack before bed and Lukas’ nighttime replacement was similarly helpful, offering up a bowl of potato soup when she sensed we might be hungry.

The next morning we went up for breakfast – their liberal 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. breakfast hours very helpful for late risers like us – and not only sampled from the ample buffet (croissants, fresh fruit, yogurt, cereal, cheese, juice), but also said yes to the offer of fresh-cooked pancakes (with Nutella for Oliver and maple syrup for me):


We made good use of Tentempié over the four days of our visit, popping in for a quick lunch of sandwiches when we were in the neighbourhood, having a cup of tea and slice of cake before bed, and learning about places to see and things to do from Lukas and his peers.



From those hosting at Tentempié to the front-desk staff to the housekeepers who ensured that Oliver’s teddy bear was always “just so” on the pillow, the staff of Casa Camper were unreservedly excellent.

On our last night in a chat with Lukas he spoke of the challenge of melding the laid-back service concept of Spain, where Camper calls home, with the more formal service approach of Germany; from our experience they’ve managed to pull it off in a way that draws the best traits of each.


Casa Camper’s location at Weinmeisterstraße 1 puts it right in the heart of the Mitte district of Berlin. There’s a U-bahn (subway) stop right in front of the hotel from which you can get anywhere in Berlin, and within walking distance there are innumerable restaurants, shops, parks, cinemas and things to see. It was the ideal base for a Berlin visit.

Room Rate

We paid €154 a night for a twin room at Casa Camper. This is by no means the cheapest hotel, or even the cheapest “design hotel” in Berlin – we could have stayed around the corner at Motel One for about half that, and in the easyHotel up the street for a third of that.

But “cheapest” was not my goal in selecting Casa Camper, and the design, people and services at Casa Camper made it worth every euro we spent, and transformed the hotel part of our stay in Berlin from “place we crash between tourist visits” to “the centre of our Berlin vacation.”


In the end…

Yes, I’m gushing and over-superlativing. But we really, really enjoyed our stay at Casa Camper and it’s not an exaggeration to say that it will make staying at any other hotel – hotels without 24hr croissant access, without the friendly hellos upon returning for the night, without the towel hook where it should be – all the more difficult.

If you’re planning a stay in Berlin, I highly recommend that you call Casa Camper home.

There’s a new Korean restaurant about to open on 330 University Avenue in Charlottetown called Seoul Food. The owner describes it as offering “pocket toast, twist potato, pajeon (Korean style pizza), [and] another Korean food.”

I’ve now uploaded and rearranged-into-order all of the photos from our March break trip to Europe.

I was making a deposit for the Prince Street Home and School at ScotiaBank in Charlottetown this morning. The deposit included some cash – the proceeds from our Christmas raffle than I’m woefully late to deposit – and as I watched Sally, my friendly and helpful teller, count out the paper money I noticed that she was splitting it into two piles.

I asked her what the piles meant and she told me that the one on the left was for money that was “all done” – off to be destroyed, I assume, in some federal government money furnace somewhere.

I asked her how she decided which bills went into this pile and she said it’s entirely subjective; she showed me a bill that was “on the edge” that got to live another day, but said that it was close the end of its run.

I’d assumed all of this was done robotically by some centralized money scanning bot; it’s nice to know that these decisions about which bills live and which bills die are still made by real human beings.

Following the template we laid down last year, Oliver and I are off to Europe for a father-and-son trip over the March school break (with a few days thrown in on either side to give us enough time to breath).

Regular readers will recall that last year’s trip started in Slovakia and took us across the breadth of Europe through Vienna, Nuremberg, Paris and London. Rather than a long-term passion for Slovakia, the trip was inspired by a cheap 128 EUR two-for-one flight deal from the now-defunct SkyEurope airline. It was a great trip: the most stressful part of it was in Bratislava when the candy-bar machine ate our coins. But we put in some more coins and ended up with two candy bars. Which is to say that things went pretty well.

This year’s destination inspiration started with a random Google search that ended me up at Phaeno, a science centre in Wolfsburg, Germany that looked interesting. From there the trip grew west toward Düsseldorf, the new home of my old friend Pedro and his wife Patricia (as well as new friend João Santos, who I met at reboot last year). It’s also dangerously near Enschede in the Netherlands where friends Ton and Elmine live, but logistics will prevent us from connecting with them

And east toward Malmö, where, what being in Europe and all, it seemed like a good opportunity to pop by and see [[Olle]] and [[Luisa]].

In the middle of that all is Berlin, a city close to my heart and a place I’m eager to see with Oliver.

Join up the dots and you get a night 12 day saunter across northern Germany with a flick up to Sweden at the end. The Canadian dollar is worth 10 more cents against the Euro this year too, so our travel budget is slightly less stressed.

So we’re off tomorrow to London via Halifax and Montreal, and then it’s Düsseldorf for a day, Wolfsburg for the weekend, Berlin for most of next week, Malmö for the last weekend, and then back to Halifax via London. Back on the Island on March 22.

Our bags – one smallish backpack each so we can travel free and easy and carry-on – are packed and I’m in the final throes of cleaning up last-minute work and life ends (tiny soaps, last-minute Trac tickets, etc.).  It’s a laptop-free vacation, so if you want to play the home game the best way will be to follow along on twitter.com/ruk and on flickr.com/photos/reinvented.

And if you need to track me down (job offer, lottery winnings, server crash, selective service), here’s our itinerary.

Sad news on Prince Street: our next-door neighbour Kelsie Todd died on Sunday.

Kelsie was our neighbour for 10 years, and he was everything you’d ever want in someone next door: ready with a wave and a hello, (especially for Oliver), endlessly talented in all the ways that we are not (over the years he built us a fence, painted our house, plowed out our driveway and leveled out our back yard), and always keeping an eye out for us (“you better lock your front door this weekend,” “I noticed the light’s been on in your basement for a few days”) without being overly so. Along the way we watched him raise his son Murray from a tow-headed youngster into a man unto himself.

We’ll miss Kelsie, and our hearts go out to Murray and his other kids, his partner Cynde, and his sister Vaunda. The wake is today from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Belvedere Funeral Home.

About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch (peter@rukavina.net is the quickest way). You can subscribe to an RSS feed of posts, an RSS feed of comments, or receive a daily digests of posts by email.
