National Caucus of Environmental Legislators

I’m working with Steve Muskie on the website for the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, a U.S.-based organization of elected members of state legislatures who have demonstrated an interest in and commitment to environmentally progressive legislation. Steve and I are also working on the website of the Edmund S. Muskie Foundation. Steve has published. on his own website, a wonderful article from Yankee Magazine about his father called Farewell to a Tailor’s Son which is well worth a visit.

Air Canada Express Check-In

I’m just back from a quick trip to Ontario, and fell immediately in love with Air Canada’s new Express Check-In kiosks in Pearson Airport. With an e-ticket in hand, you simply slide in your credit card (to verify identity), and out pops your boarding pass. Ergonomics and graphic design are very well done. Entire process takes 10 seconds. A joy to use, especially when there are 100 people waiting in line otherwise. Hint: at Pearson the kiosks are located in front of the RapidAir area, but you can use them for all flights.

Braden Printing

We worked with the folks at Braden Printing, in Keene, New Hampshire, to enhance their exsiting website to give their clients the ability to electronically submit requests for printing quotes along with any associated data files.

Roy Johnstone, Musician

We’re working with Island musician Roy Johnstone to develop a comprehensive website about he and his music. The site includes audio clips, a performance schedule and other features. We’ve created a simple web-based interface for Roy to use to keep his performance schedule up to date.

Fiddler’s Sons

We’ve just started working with Island Celtic band Fiddler’s Sons on the design and construction of a new website. You can see the early stages of the site now, and stay tuned for future developments.

Brackley Drive-in Theatre

This simple website is designed with one purpose in mind: to let drive-in movie goers know what’s playing. In addition to the public portion of the website, we’ve created a simple web-based tool for drive-in staff to use to update the schedule, giving them complete “up to the minute” control over their website.

Government of Prince Edward Island

In September of 1994, we began working with the Prince Edward Island Department Development to construct a website to showcase the information and activities of the Province. We have continued to work closely with the Province of PEI ever since, and the site has expanded from its initial focus on visitor-related information to an award-winning, comprehensive resource for visitors and citizens alike. We are responsible for the design of the site, and coordinate all of the programming and content development activities.
