The Evolution of 35 Prince Street

Peter Rukavina

On our walk the other night, passing by 35 Prince Street, I told Oliver about the history of Eddie’s Lunch, Viva’s, Marina Grill and Kozy Korner, which have occupied the corner storefront, in succession, over the last 20 years.

Here’s Eddie’s Lunch in 1999:

Eddie's Lunch, circa 1999

And here’s Kozy Korner, now closed and to be replaced, we are told, with yet another restaurant:

Kozy Korner, 2017

Update in November 2017: the store at 35 Prince Street is again being renovated–from the looks of things it’s a “down to the lathe” renovation inside. A new covering on the old sign has gone up. The new place hasn’t opened yet, and the sign’s already peeling, which doesn’t bode well; perhaps it’s only temporary.

Eat and Enjoy sign in November 2017

Update in December 2017: the temporary, peeling sign that was pasted over the old sign, has been replaced with a purpose-built sign. There’s a lot of activity inside this week, and the convenience store shelves are stocked with M&Ms, so I suspect that the re-opening is imminent.

Eat and Enjoy Sign, 35 Prince, December 2017

Update in April 2019: The Eat & Enjoy Restaurant opened in January 2018 and lasted about 9 months before it, at its companion convenience store, closed. We ate there once, and had a nice hot pot meal.

On April 25, 2019 a new place, Saigon Bistro, opened in its place:

Photo of Saigon Bistro sign at 35 Prince St.

As of July 27, 2020, Saigon Bistro’s signage was replaced with Sai Gon Cuisine, and a repainted-in-green building. For the first time since the Eddie’s Lunch days the main sign is now mounted flush on the building rather than on the hanging signpost:

Sai Gon Cuisine signage.


Submitted by Oliver Rukavina on


It’s very true that we cherish past moments of our lives. It’s a wonderful lifetime we have: in a glimpse we are transported to a different time. It’s like life doesn’t stop after we decide it’s enough; we continue our lives. it’s not enough to stop at times of our lives, no matter what conditions we have.

Submitted by Rosie S. on


Did you notice the sign has come down now (sometime in the past few weeks)? What does it MEAN? Will it ever open again? ;) Any info?

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Here’s the menu for Saigon Bistro as of its opening (apparently only the items marked with a checkmark are on offer right away):

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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