This spring Olivia was asked to name her “happy place,” a place she could go in her mind when she needed to invoke a sense of peace. She named Natuurcamping De Hoge Veluwe, the Dutch campground we stayed 7 years ago this week.
This happened to be exactly the same happy place that I’d chosen when led through a similar exercise.
I suppose this shouldn’t come as a surprise to either of us: 2014 was our last great summer with Catherine, and our time at De Hoge Veluwe fell in the heart of that. Combine that with a pastoral campsite, free bicycles, hot chocolate for breakfast and Van Gogh for lunch, and, yes, happy place.

I was thinking about your
I was thinking about your visit to this region 7 yrs ago in the past days, and how I enjoyed reading your postings about places I know well and see them through your eyes. And now every time we'll visit the Hoge Veluwe, I'll think of it as your and Olivia's happy place each time as well.
Fox Meadow Golf Course has
Fox Meadow Golf Course has responded on Facebook to alleged harassment of a guest and at the same time challenges the stigma against the golf industry.
"As Pride month 2021 draws to a close we were saddened and dismayed to hear that a family arriving at Fox Meadow for supper on Saturday evening became the target of transphobic harassment by another guest.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind our patrons of our ZERO tolerance policy for such behaviour. Any abuse or harassment that comes to our attention will result in serious consequences including the immediate removal from our property of the person(s) at fault.
We stand in full support of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and remind our visitors that Fox Meadow is committed to building an inclusive and safe place in which everyone feels welcome.
For further information on how to be an ally to the LGBTQIA2S+ community please visit"
Posted in wrong thread. Sorry
Posted in wrong thread. Sorry.
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