Butter Compartment and Ice Cubes

Peter Rukavina

Something to note about our new refrigerator: unlike every other refrigerator I’ve ever purchased, it came without “butter compartment” in the fridge section and without ice cube trays (and a shelf for them) in the freezer section.

I wonder how these features got designed out: there’s an interesting home economics story to be told there, I’m sure.

We compensated for the lack of ice cube making capability by purchasing a Good Grips No-Spill ice cube tray; for butter storage, we opted to handle this on the outside, and are now proud owners of a Village Pottery French butter keeper, inspired by purchase of same by our forerunning friend Jonas on a visit two years ago.


Submitted by Peter B on


Huh! When I read this I did a double take since I barely know what you're referring to. I'm now trying to figure out if this is a difference between North America and Europe, or if I never knew to recognize the butter compartment. (As for the ice cube trays, ever since I learned that ice cube trays with lids exist I love ice cubes again. No more generic plasticky smell!)

Submitted by Susan White on


We have so missed that little shelf in the freezer! We haven't made ice cubes in 3 years. I had no idea that ice cube trays with lids existed and I'll definitely be investing in one. Thanks for the information. :-)

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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