Goings On About Blog

Peter Rukavina

The overlap between what I write here and the regular everyday world is, most of the time, unidirectional: I write, you read. Other than Oliver and my mother (and mother-in-law) I’m never 100% sure there’s anyone out there reading, beyond the occasional comment or two.

But sometimes the regular everyday world speaks out.

On Monday night at City Cinema my friendly ticket-taker, Linda, unlurked herself as a reader, said kind words, and we had a nice chat.

This afternoon I had to go break it to Dave and Dorothy at Dave’s Service Centre that I’d cut the gasoline from my diet. Dave already knew. He’d read about it online. (The Kia Soul is still, engine aside, a car, and Dave and Dorothy will still look after that part for me; I have an appointment to have Dave install the snow tires on Tuesday).

My eyeglasses have been falling off my head more than I’d like, so I stopped in at Matheson Eyewear for a tune-up (Greg Matheson did a masterful job repairing my eyeglasses earlier this year); on my way back to my car I was stopped by Kevin, reader-of-blog, who handed me a Garnet Rogers-Archie Fisher CD (I’m listening to it right now; thank you, Kevin!).

Earlier this year I wrote a post about salted capers; Jeremy, from Rome, left a comment there; he’d come in the door via Ton. I started following Jeremy’s blog, and listening to his podcast. Today I realized  that Olle and Luisa are in Rome and conspired to connect them with Jeremy; Ton chimed in. I’m hopeful they’ll have coffee.

Sixteen years ago I asked you readers to out yourselves; 137 of you did, and it made for fascinating reading. If you are so-moved, you are welcome to leave a comment below and say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself.

And then go listen to this, and maybe buy a copy.

Archie Fisher and Garnet Rogers album cover.


Submitted by Andrew Chisholm on


I was one of the folks who left a comment back in 2003. At the time I was 19 and living in Halifax to "seek some independence". I ended up moving back home to Charlottetown about a year later, and have happily lived here since. I'm now 35, have a great career, and volunteer with our fire department. I've been reading your blog for probably 20 years or so, and find the mix of topics you write about to be quite interesting. I've learned a lot about our community through your perspective / words.

Submitted by Steven Garrity on


I was also one of the 137 who self-identified in 2003. Everything I said then remains accurate: https://ruk.ca/comment/2720#comment-2720

Submitted by Rosie Le Faive on


Hi! Not one of those first 137, but I am grateful that you continue to blog! Now I just have to get posting more. ;)

Submitted by Krista-Lee Chr… on


We've been reading and enjoying your perspective for a few years now! Martin enjoys the technology/software posts, and I enjoy the Charlottetown/Culture posts.

Submitted by Susan Arbing on


Not one of the original commenters, but I have been reading your blog for a long time courtesy of a recommendation from Andrea Ledwell.

Submitted by Daley on


I enjoy the variety of topics that you blog about. I've been reading for several years first from Toronto and now from Montreal. I probably ended up here after a segment on Spark or via Dan Misener.

Submitted by Elizabeth Nicholson on


Your blog is my home page,so i read it every time there is something new. I sometimes go back and reread some too.

Submitted by Andrew Morrow on


I have been reading regularly since the days of dial-up. I remember when you did a feature on technology for us when I worked for CBC Charlottetown. Your mix of knowledge and comment on social issues makes the blog a must read.

Submitted by Ton Zijlstra on


Regular reader, through RSS (but I also regularly type in r, auto-suggested to ruk.ca in my browser). I wasn't part of your 2003 readership, as we met in 2005 which was partly induced because I was reading Rob Paterson's blog from late 2003, and he had mentioned you to me. Since that first conversation in a Copenhagen hotel lobby, you've been in my feed reader. I appreciate your blog for the mix of things you write here (as described in my posting on your 20 years of blogging: https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2019/06/blogging-a-life/ )

Submitted by Martin Rutte on


I love, love, love your column and look at it everyday.
My wife and I are on the Island in the summer and in Santa Fe, New Mexico now.

Submitted by Leo Cheverie on


Long time reader here - I love both Archie Fisher and Garnet Rogers together and separately and was privileged to have seen them a long time ago in Lunenburg and I think even PEI when they toured together and recorded "Off the Map" - decidedly in days before GPS, cannot wait to hear the recording you referred to - Thanks Peter for writing an engaging blog

Submitted by Joan Sinclair on


I'm a longtime fan of your blog, especially for the seemingly effortless quality of your writing. Also, I heard Garnet Rogers recently at Harmony House and picked up that same Garnet / Archie Fisher CD and agree -- it's a dandy.

Submitted by Cheryl on


Happy, semi-regular reader over here! I was introduced just earlier this year to your blog by FS Oliver. I also frequently wonder who's looking at my blog or downloading my podcast! I have a couple regulars of both who say so now and again. Otherwise, analytics are a set of lines and numbers that sometimes surprise me, sometimes bum me out, and always hint at a mystery I wish I could uncover. I really enjoy the breadth of topics you post here and relish your writing style, Peter!

Submitted by Kevin Lewis on


Thank you, Peter, for your blog efforts. I can't remember if I was a reader in 2003 but I never miss a post (yet some on programming / coding are read superficially). Your deconstructing and reverse engineering and problem analysis are the best. Keep blogging and I will keep reading.

Submitted by Randy F McDonald on


I was not one of the 137, but I had met you through the Island blogosphere before I left at the end of the summer of 2003. I have kept reading you in all of the years I have been living in Toronto.

Submitted by Susan White on


I stumbled upon your blog two years ago when I was searching for reviews of Danny Gregory's "How to Draw Without Talent" course. Your post about the course convinced me that it was worth buying and I've been reading your blog daily ever since. I enjoy your excellent writing and perspective on the world. As a former computer programmer/analyst (I'm probably dating myself using that term), fountain pen enthusiast, sketcher, quilter, calligrapher, and mother of a son on the autism spectrum, there are so many aspects of your life and the people in it that speak to me. As long as you keep writing I'll keep reading.

Submitted by Leanne Ritchie on


CFA to PEI in February, my colleagues at work mentioned your blog as a good local read. Been reading it ever since as my partner and I work on our permaculture hobby farm up in Hope River/Stanley Bridge. Data analysis, social commentary and behavioral change are the icing on the cake here. It's your humour and humanity that keeps me reading.

Submitted by Art Rhyno on


Another of the original 137 (https://ruk.ca/comment/2724#comment-2724) - love this blog and having a link to the East Coast from here in Ontario.

Submitted by vbj on


So much fun to be a part of this fascinating community. I am happy to report that I am still spending the summers at St. Peters Harbour (but unhappy that the beach has been outed by Trip Advisor) and the rest of the year in Burlington, Vermont. And, I am happy that my relationship with this blog has blossomed into a friendship with your whole family, and that we have even spent time off island together. Thanks for bringing us all together, Peter. Cheers!

Submitted by Michelle on


So, I posted my first comment back in 2005 on one of your posts about Open Bread (MJ on June 27, 2005 - 13:55).
But then with “open source” being discussed along with open bread, I thought that maybe I had mis-interpreted the topic and that it was really an analogy for some new aspect of coding. Being intimidated at the thought and I stayed away until I met you in person many years later and I’ve been a regular reader ever since!

Submitted by Oliver B on


Hi P - I’m still here, at least intermittently, and aspire to keep up. Facebook effectively took me away for awhile, but I decided I couldn’t let it. You know me at least IRL, if not from the Rukapedia

Submitted by Rosie Shaw on


Your blog was one of my first and best resources upon moving to PEI in 2015. Still one of the most informative local sources of information. I love the way you write, and we seem to share similar views on many things.

Submitted by Andrew MacPherson on


Long term reader, going back to 2006. I'm an Islander living in Calgary for the past 20 years. I quite enjoy this window into Charlottetown life. I grew up in Cornwall but my childhood library (Confed Centre), my kindergarten (Zion), several of my jobs (Guardian/Evening Patriot) were in your vicinity. My wife and I went on our first date in 1994 which involved a walk through your area. Our sons are the same age and went through many phases together including Minecraft and now starting university. I also enjoy your travel posts. I've followed your lead on some personal tracking software over the years including Exist this year and Librarything. We both enjoy music by Garnet Rogers, Port Cities, Warren Zevon and likely others. Thanks for blogging all these years. When I'm home in the summer/fall (42 days on PEI this year) I feel like I'm stepping into well known territory.

Submitted by Martin Cathrae on


I probably started reading in 2008 or so, I had moved here in 2006 from Ontario. After moving back to Ontario and growing the family, we moved back in 2017. We dream of EV's and well insulated houses, so I know we have a few things in common.

Submitted by Chuck McKinnon on


I've been aware of your work since Digital Island days in the late 1990s, and have been a regular blog reader since you began it.

You know this already, Peter, but for whomever else is reading this: I have lived in Alberta since age 3, but much of my father's family, and some of my mother's, live on PEI, mostly up west in around Alberton and Tignish.

Peter writes the kind of blog I wish I made time to create myself: a delightful mix of the personal and the practical. I have referenced many times your post on hosting the Elections PEI website on Amazon's infrastructure for $2.44 (a price which has since fallen below $1.06 last I checked a year or two ago), and I regularly send people links to a lot of your open data work.

Here's to many more years of ruk.ca.

Submitted by Matthew MacPhail on


Hi Peter,

I'm not sure why I didn't comment about in 2003, but I've also been faithfully reading since dialup internet. Definitely enjoy your posts about all matters PEI, your technology projects, and your honesty and openness about parenting.

Thanks for sharing Peter

Submitted by Andrea on


I scrolled through the 2003 thread fully convinced that I had commented then about being a longtime and loyal reader of your blog, but alas, I was mistaken, and only commented in my imagination, but am still a longtime and loyal reader and rarely a week goes by that I don't refer to something you have written here. Thank you for your thoughtful insight on so many subjects. I might have to include a end-of-decade best of ruk list on my blog.

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch (peter@rukavina.net is the quickest way). 

I have been writing here since May 1999: you can explore the 25+ years of blog posts in the archive.

You can subscribe to an RSS feed of posts, an RSS feed of comments, or a podcast RSS feed that just contains audio posts. You can also receive a daily digests of posts by email.
