Sunwing Flights to Charlottetown

Year-old vacation-oriented airline Sunwing Airlines is offering twice-weekly flights from Toronto to Charlottetown this summer, with one-way prices in the $120-$130 range. Flights run from June through September. Wikipedia has more information on the airline.


Ken's picture
Ken on April 20, 2006 - 00:48 Permalink

Thank you sir. I always find out first here at whenever new flights come to Charlottetown. I appreciate your awareness! Dude!

Ryan's picture
Ryan on April 22, 2006 - 00:59 Permalink

Funny, the taxes per round-trip account for almost half of the final cost! Taxes are $189, total fare is $438. Turns out to be no deal… Air Canada comes to $416, WestJet $416 also.