Veggie Toast and Memory

Oliver’s 18th birthday is still 7 months away, but he’s decided that he needs to start planning his birthday party now. As part of this effort he’s developing a guest list for the party that includes everyone who’s every been to one of his birthday parties (his self-selected theme for the party being “goodbye childhood, hello adulthood”). This is turning out to be tricky, as my documentation on the blog of his birthdays ranges from the detailed to the vague (will we ever learn the true identify of “little girl”?).

For this reason I decided it was important to take a photo of my breakfast, the “veggie toast” and a cortado from Receiver Coffee.

Photo of my Receiver Coffee breakfast


Oliver Rukavina's picture
Oliver Rukavina on January 26, 2018 - 16:50 Permalink

Accurately from today, it's 9 months.

Oliver Rukavina's picture
Oliver Rukavina on January 26, 2018 - 16:52 Permalink

but it's only for if you're calculating the same date number.
so correctly it's 8 months and 6 days away.