Thanksgiving Supper at Gallant’s General Store

It’s a busy weekend for Catherine: she’s working hard to finish up an important art piece. And so Oliver and I were left to our own devices tonight for Thanksgiving supper.

Fortunately this also happened to be the day that the Cymbria Lions Club was holding its Hot Turkey Supper. So late this afternoon we got in the car and headed to the north shore.

Oliver got a little overwhelmed by the fact that we were seated across from strangers and, lest his anxiety boil over, we quickly switched our order from sit down to take out.

When we got out to the car, we realized that we didn’t have any cutlery, and so we stopped up the road and I bought 24 forks for 99 cents.

Which is how we came to eat our Thanksgiving supper in the parking lot of Gallant’s General Store.
