Large Coffee

This week’s letterpress project was large coffee bags for ROW142. These bags, used for wholesale coffee (or for particularly eager retail customers), are about four times larger than the smaller retail bags I printed earlier and they’re of a different material (foil-lined rather than plastic) and design.

My original plan was to simply copy the “down the middle” design I used on the smaller bags, but that proved challenging, as on the back side of the bags is a thick seam that, despite my efforts to compensate for it by buttressing around it, I couldn’t get a consistent print. So I modified the design to run ROW142 down the right side of the bag and, in the end, I’m actually happier with this design.

ROW142 Large Coffee Bag

If you want to buy a massive amount of coffee beans, the bags are in the shop now ready for purchase. Next up: print more of the smaller bags, as they’ve already run out!
