Highly Explosive Helium

Periodic Table Globe and Mail, March 15, 2001 — “The crash of a tractor trailer carrying a helium-cooled MRI machine closed the Yellowhead Highway near here for at least six hours yesterday. An RCMP spokesperson said the closing was necessary because helium used to keep the magnetic resonance imaging scanners supercooled was venting. The driver suffered minor injuries.”

National Post, March 15, 2001 — “The crash of a truck carrying a helium-cooled magnetic resolution imager closed the Yellowhead Highway near Jasper for at least six hours yesterday. An RCMP spokesman said the closure was necessary because the highly explosive helium was leaking. Experts were assessing the danger before attempting to clear the wreckage.”

Correction, National Post, March 17, 2001 — “Helium is not explosive. Incorrect information appeared in this story. The National Post regrets the errors.”


asdf's picture
asdf on May 1, 2004 - 07:47 Permalink

nothing helium doesnt burn.