Have Credentials, Still a Media Orphan

I made it (in plenty of time — the city flowed well for me) to the Westin Copley to pick up my credentials. And they were waiting for me. So far so good. I’m still an orphan, though: because I’m not one of the credentialled bloggers, and I’m not a daily newspaper, photographer, radio or TV or magazine, none of the press galleries claims me as their own.

I made a pilgrimage to each of the galleries, here on the 7th floor of the hotel. The question at each was “what are you credentialled for?” When I said “news service,” they all looked at me like I was from another planet. I think I have now discovered that there is, in fact, no such thing as a news service.

But I’m not complaining.

Here’s what “credentials” look like:

My Credentials for Monday

I’m heading over to the Fleet Centre now to take these credentials out for a ride. Perhaps I will find my brothers and sisters in the working “news service” press there. I’ll take them for a drink.
