Five Images that Represent Province House

As a self-identified stakeholder, I’ve been invited to participate in a “Visitor Experience Strategy Workshop,” hosted by Parks Canada, about the future of Province House:

The workshop will consist of a series of discussions and activities through which you and your fellow participants will identify the qualities that distinguish Province House from other Parks Canada places and other regional parks and attractions. The VES workshop is the first step to determining the path forward at Province House, and will be followed later by an interpretive planning session. The outcomes of this workshop will provide the foundation for guiding the redevelopment of the visitor experience.

The invitation requested “each participant to choose 3-4 images (from your own collection, from the Internet, etc.) that you feel best represent Province House. These do not necessarily need to be pictures of Province House, but rather images that best represent the essence of Province House to you.”

Here are the images I forwarded:

Free Education, 1852

Votes for Women

Province House Lit at Night

Province House Skylight

Legislative Library being used


Andrea's picture
Andrea on September 25, 2019 - 12:38 Permalink

I love this exercise, and am so happy to see you include the Hansard from the passing of the Women's Enfranchisement Bill. At first glance, I thought your fourth image was some sort of Yayoi Kusama infinity project installation that I had missed. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing your selections!