Europe in Nine Magazine Shops

I had coffee with Guy, in Basel, in late 2010: he was there scouting for a move, and his modus operandi was to scout for interesting agglomerations of coffee shops, bookstores, etc., and then look for places to live in an area radiating outward. This is akin to my advice to university students: find the interesting professors and take their courses, no matter the subject. Context over content.

In this vein, I was drawn to a list of here of nine shops that stock Robida magazine. Robida is fascinating and weird and rich in all the right ways; I reason that any shop that carries it will be similarly fascinating and weird and rich. Evidence from browsing websites suggests this is the case. 

And so a plan: visit all nine. One could do worse for the spine of an European itinerary.

Here are the coordinates:

As a service to the magazine-loving flaneur, I ensured that all of the shops are in OpenStreetMap (here’s a query to get them all).

Map of Europe showing icons for the nine magazine shops mentioned in this post.


Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on May 13, 2023 - 13:05 Permalink

That’s delightful, especially because the original location of the Zabrieskie bookstore was around the corner, very near my friend Peter’s apartment, which I was once kindly loaned for a week. 

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on May 14, 2023 - 13:02 Permalink

I wonder if there’s an Overpass Turbo query that would express “show me all the objects that were updated by user X and also by user Y.”

Jarek's picture
Jarek on May 15, 2023 - 11:07 Permalink

Looks like Overpass doesn't have history information, so that query is not possible in Overpass.

The full OSM history is Quite Large, so to make that search feasible as a web service, I'd guess it would have to be a specialized service that only kept record of object IDs and user IDs.

I find searching object history is currently generally not extensively supported in OSM. As an example, the "History" tab on only uses bounding boxes of changesets, and is consequently frequently cluttered by changesets with very large bounding boxes. I usually have to piece things together by manually clicking through a user's changesets and the objects changed by those changesets. (That's how I saw the now-deleted node 4946804970.) Or maybe I just don't know the right tooling?