Bruce and Olivia

Olivia was insistent that we go out to the tea in New Glasgow yesterday held to celebrate our friends Bruce and Shirley passing the PEI Preserve Company on to a new family to steward.

I was non-committal: I’d already debriefed with Bruce over coffee, and driving all the way out to the middle of the Island for a cup of tea and some squares seemed excessive.

But we went.

And, as often happens when Olivia seizes the moment and insists that we engage in ritual and routine, I was happy we did so: seeing Shirley and Bruce’s friends and familiars gathered together to fête them was a joy, and this photo of Bruce and Olivia is a testament to that.


Bruce MacNaughton's picture
Bruce MacNaughton on May 20, 2022 - 09:18 Permalink

Good Morning, Peter

Thank you both for joining with others in the celebration. It was lovely to see you both and I love the photo of Olivia and me.