Librarians Take Slovenia

If you are a nascent librarian, or a librarian-o-phile, UNC has a summer course in Slovenia for you:

This two-week seminar features tours and presentations relating to librarianship in the Republic of Slovenia, the most advanced republic of the former Yugoslavia. It is bordered by Austria, Italy, Hungary and Croatia.
Co-sponsored by the University of Ljubljana, the seminar is available for academic credit through UNC-Chapel Hill. Participants may earn three hours of graduate credit for attending. This is the first offering of this seminar. The faculty host for this trip will be Dr. Jerry D. Saye, who was a Fulbright Scholar to the University of Ljubljana in 2003.


Lisa Howard's picture
Lisa Howard on February 3, 2005 - 21:16 Permalink

I hear Slovenian librarians are the most dangerous.