St. Peters Harbour Beach Life Preserver

Where Did This Life Preserver Come From?

Life buoy in place on the beach.We are Peter Rukavina and Lisa Chandler, summer residents of St. Peters Harbour, and we spend a lot of time at the beach there.

This summer we realized that there was no life preserver available should someone be in distress in the water, and so we resolved to purchase and install one, and ask for contributions to cover the cost.

How We Selected a Life Preserver

We followed the lead of the Lifesaving Society, BC & Yukon Branch, and their Public Access Liferings project. They recommended products from Glasdon:

After researching several models of Lifering housings, the Lifesaving Society has determined that the best value for money is found using the Guardian, manufactured in the UK by Glasdon. These units provide durability, ease of use, simple installation, and minimal maintenance.

After consulting with the Canadian distributor of Glasdon products, we selected a Guardian 600 Lifebuoy Housing and a B-Line Water Rescue Device. The B-Line was recommended over a more traditional “life ring” for beach environments.

Costs for Purchase and Installation

We bore the initial cost ourselves, reasoning that it was better to have the life preserver in place as soon as possible, and that we could collect contributions to offset the cost later.

The total cost was $1,368, as follows:

  • Cost for the life buoy housing, B-Line rescue device, including shipping: $1,259.25 (view the receipt)
  • Cost for post to mount the housing, including hardware and cement: $108.75

How to Contribute

If you are user of the St. Peters Harbour beach, and are able to contribute financially to the costs we’ve incurred, we would be thankful. You can Interac e-transfer contributions to

To date we have raised: $0.

How to User the Life Preserver

Instructions for using the B-Line Water Rescue Device are printed directly on it. 

Instructions printed on the B-Line Water Rescue Device.