Bus out to the Mall, Bike Back

Peter Rukavina

Four years ago I wrote about how one of the buses in Charlottetown had been outfitted with a bicycle rack on the front:

The fleet of Charlottetown Transit is a patchwork quilt of ye olde trolley buses, castoffs from other transit companies (complete with signage in Spanish!) and, inexplicably, a thoroughly modern, comfortable bus kitted out with all the latest conveniences, including a “cowcatcher” bicycle holder on the front.

While this was a great development, it was hobbled by the fact that it was only one bus of many, and so couldn’t be relied upon as a component of a truly “inter-modal” personal transportation strategy (“bus out to the mall, bike back”).

Today, however, we’ve leveled-up: bike racks are now on all of the buses, a press release tells us:

T3 Transit, in coordination with the Town of Stratford, the City of Charlottetown, and the Town of Cornwall, is pleased to announce the installation of bike racks on 11 local buses within the three municipalities.

As an aid to adoption, T3 Transit has produced this helpful video guide, hosted by transit’s own Mike Cassidy.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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