Y&TKB Cards

Peter Rukavina

From last week’s sketches of a card for Youngfolk & The Kettle Black came these from the letterpress yesterday:

Youngfolk and The Kettle Black Cards

It was an challenging job to get the ampersand in red underprinted in the right position relative to the rest of the card overprinted in black: lots of fiddling and fussing. I ended up printing 375 ampersands in red, and then about half the cards for each address.

I’ll drop them off at the coffee shop later today when I retire for my afternoon macchiato.


Submitted by Chris Mears on


I saw these cards in the store today. They look fantastic, as does the neat butcher paper packaging.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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