Being at war with Japanese Knotweed, and having no semblance of a green thumb, I’ve feared that at least some of the shoots I’ve been digging up haven’t been Japanese Knotweed at all but rather, well, regular everyday non-invasive species.
This was confirmed for me today by my friendly and helpful neighbour, who told me I’d dug up the Hostas.
I’ll get better at this.
Earlier today I was searching for "how to keep hens from eating hostas!" Good thing they are tough (and edible, apparently).
I know the knotweed war well. One: the roots are eight feet deep. You will never dig them out. Two: deprive them of life giving leaves and stems by mowing them every single day. Tedious but it works.
You'll get better Pete! Mike once spent 3-4 hours digging 'weeds' in the old house. Neighbour told him afterwards that it was a garden full of old perrenial lilies or something like that. Oops🤞