You’re Spooking the Hostas

Being at war with Japanese Knotweed, and having no semblance of a green thumb, I’ve feared that at least some of the shoots I’ve been digging up haven’t been Japanese Knotweed at all but rather, well, regular everyday non-invasive species.

This was confirmed for me today by my friendly and helpful neighbour, who told me I’d dug up the Hostas.

I’ll get better at this.

(With apologies to Fred J. Eaglesmith and Chuck Angus)


Thelma's picture
Thelma on May 27, 2020 - 19:16 Permalink

Earlier today I was searching for "how to keep hens from eating hostas!" Good thing they are tough (and edible, apparently).

Ann Thurlow's picture
Ann Thurlow on May 28, 2020 - 09:41 Permalink

I know the knotweed war well. One: the roots are eight feet deep. You will never dig them out. Two: deprive them of life giving leaves and stems by mowing them every single day. Tedious but it works.

Karen's picture
Karen on May 31, 2020 - 23:26 Permalink

You'll get better Pete! Mike once spent 3-4 hours digging 'weeds' in the old house. Neighbour told him afterwards that it was a garden full of old perrenial lilies or something like that. Oops🤞