A Visit to the Preserve Company

Peter Rukavina

This week in my Conversations with Bruce series I drove out to the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company in New Glasgow for a tour around the place with Bruce MacNaughton.

The camera work is a little sketchy and points out the value of having a camera operator whose only job is to make sure that it’s not only half of people’s heads that are in the frame – it’s hard to talk, walk, and focus the camera all at the same time!


Submitted by Sue on


I loved the footage of the view of New Glasgow - the scenery is spectacular. I’ve really been enjoying your “Conversations with Bruce” and hoping they are able to mail order to Australia!

Submitted by Jane Boyd on


These have been great conversations Peter and Bruce…thanks for doing them. I really enjoyed the behind the scenes tour and seeing the winter scenes of one the places that I enjoy the most on the Island. Thanks again.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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