Register a New Domain: Get Spam

Peter Rukavina

I registered a new domain name earlier this week, and in the days since a deluge of spam–”let us design your new website,” “let us design your logo,” “guaranteed SEO!” and the like–has descended upon me, the likes of which I’ve never experienced.

They all went into my junk mail bin.

I’ve never been inclined to pay for anonymous domain name registration, partially because of frugality, but mostly because I think the domain name system should be open and transparent. But now I’m reconsidering.


Submitted by David on


Same - not to mention the phone calls that I started getting not only for web services, but also scams, in the weeks that followed. This has increased quite a bit recently as I don't remember this experience registering domains even five years ago. I've debated setting up a shell address/number for things I think are going to send me spam.

Yes, the phone calls have been rolling in. I tend to not answer the office (VOIP) phone line for anything but recognized callers, so I’ve not actually been directly exposed. But incoming calls are 10x this week over a typical one.

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