OpenStreetMap Gets Some Wow

Peter Rukavina

With recent updates to the front end “slippy map” at OpenStreetMap, all that cycling around with a GPS receiver in my pocket last summer now has a much more impressive gateway to the world. This map of downtown Charlottetown, for example — the results of my cycling labours — has colour-coded streets, street name labels, different rendering for the Confederation Trail and it works very “Google Maps-like” in that you can pan by dragging the map around. Neato.

OpenStreetMap Screen Shot


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


That’s interesting. I think I may have taken a wrong turn on my bicycle there. Have to fix that (nice thing about an open map is that I *can* fix it!)

Submitted by Dan James on


There are now four slices above you with quite capable GPS receivers… I wonder how complete a city map we could make in month?

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I’ve created an OpenStreetMap wiki page for Charlottetown with some basic information about what’s been covered so far, and what needs to be done. If there’s interest out there in holding a “mapping day” for Charlottetown, beginning with a “how to gather GPS traces,” followed by a field day, followed by a “how to upload, tag and integrate what we’ve gathered” I’m willing to organize.

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