The Joy of Unintended Fun

Peter Rukavina

In this post about SimCity for the NES:

The original version of SimCity was written by Will Wright for the Commodore 64 as a follow-up to his first game, 1984’s Raid on Bungeling Bay, a helicopter flight simulator that was published by Brøderbund.

As Wright often tells it, the germ of an idea for SimCity actually evolved out of Bungeling Bay’s map editing tool.

“I found out that I had a lot more fun building the islands than I did flying around in the helicopter,” Wright told GameSpot in a 1999 interview.

Being open to the embrace of unintended fun is a skill we should all cultivate.

In the same vein, I became an unlikely fan of waterslides when visiting public pools in Iceland: I went for the “lolling about in hot water” and found that “careening into hot water” was way, way more interesting.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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