I've been FOIPPed!

Peter Rukavina

After years of being on the other side of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy desk, I received a a note today from Public Schools Branch’s FOIPP coordinator that they’d received a request for records that included two emails from me, in my capacity as President of PEI Home and School Federation regarding request from the then-English Language School Board for feedback on plan for 2015 PISA tests.

Ironically, the document at the heart of the request was posted for the general public on the PEIHSF website at the same time, and his been publicly available since.

I quickly indicated that I had no issue with the release of the document and associated emails.

It’s nice to be able to do my own small part to make information flow to requesters quickly and without hassle.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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