"Exploring the World of Tiny Houses Through Design-build Research"

Peter Rukavina

It’s not Architecture Week on Prince Edward Island this week, although, according to the celestial calendar, it should be (2011, 20122013).

But it is World Architecture Day, and the architects of the Island are marking the day with a virtual seminar, Exploring the World of Tiny Houses Through Design-build Research, tonight, October 5, 2020, starting at 7:00 p.m. Atlantic Time, presented by architect and championship kayaker Ben Hayward:

Tiny Houses have presented an alternative to a cookie cutter model by offering design flexibility; and have yet to be proven as either fad, niche, or viable housing. Join Ben Hayward as he discusses how to get the best of all worlds-low cost, high quality, and mass market desirability when it comes to Tiny Homes. The Solar Thermal Tiny House aims to be a testing bed for four key areas of research: Energy, Art, Craft, and Place.

Because it’s virtual, anyone, anywhere, can attend.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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