Drosophila Melanogaster: The Return

Peter Rukavina

I managed to keep our kitchen free from fruit flies for almost two years; I took this as a sign that I’m an impeccable housekeeper, but was disabused of this by others who told me that the city has been generally fruit fly free during this period.

This week, however, they are back with abandon, at 2004 battle strength.

Yes, I’ve tried the beer, the wine, the apple cider vinegar; the only thing that gives me any sense of control is vacuuming them up, which is ineffective but at least temporarily satisfying.


Submitted by vbj on


Wow, that's discouraging to hear that they're lasting this far into the fall. We had the worst year ever (in 25) at the cottage...had to pour wine through a sieve...and vacuuming would work temporarily. UGH. Sympathies.

Submitted by Andrea on


These Lee Valley fruit fly traps rescued me from two separate fruit fly infestations. It cleared them right up and let me start again to keep the drains dry and overripe fruit out of the way. https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/home/pest-control/insects/44735-fruit-fly-traps?item=AT215https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/home/pest-control/insects/44735-fruit-fly-traps?item=AT215

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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