City Tree 482

Peter Rukavina

A new sign sprouted on Prince Street this morning, in front of our neighbour’s house:

City Tree 482 information sign in front of 104 Prince Street

The C1A 4R4 Arts District is the lucky recipient of the art and presence of artist Melissa Peter-Paul, who is mounting an installation inspired by the weeping birch on the street (a weeping birch that I have an unusually complete photographic record of).

The tree, City Tree 482 it’s called, was one of those selected for the City of Charlottetown’s Rooted in Art project:

Rooted in Art is a new tree appreciation initiative that will run from October 3rd - 17th and is intended to celebrate the importance and beauty of Charlottetown’s urban forest. Five Island artists will use some of downtown Charlottetown’s most distinctive and historic trees as inspiration for a temporary art installation. 

The tree is one I love, as it’s part of the day to day landscape of my life; I got to meet Melissa in passing this afternoon–she was sitting under the tree with her art–and I’m looking forward to seeing the piece in place.

After reading the placard I’ve learned not only that it’s a weeping birch (which I didn’t know before), but that weeping birch trees can be tapped in the spring, which makes me think that the city should organize a follow-on project to do exactly that.


Submitted by Kevin on


The weeping birch has done very well over the year as evidenced by your photo series, as has Oliver. I did not know about weeping birch and am glad that I now do. When I guide tours of PEI, I talk trees, especially in the context of our ship building history, and always try to take my guests on a walk in the woods. It has always been a winning element for everyone to the point that I developed a 4-trail tour introduced in 2019.

Submitted by Joanne MacRae on


Your neighbourhood weeping willow with it's birchbark art was at the beginning of the map for the "self guided tour". It was fun to follow the map; find the designated trees; and appreciate the artwork while learning about the artists. I recommend this "Rooted in Art" activity to everyone who enjoys the outdoors and Charlottetown. We followed the route by bicycle.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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