Canada Post: Just Slightly Slower than Walking!

On January 11, 2018 I ordered two books of “From Far and Wide” stamps from Canada Post using its online store.

As detailed here, Canada Post’s delivery standard for online orders, which should serve as a “we’ll get you your stamps within 24 hours” showcase for their logistics fu, is abysmal.

And so it took 12 days for the stamps to arrive.

From the time I ordered the stamps on January 11 it was 7 days until they shipped from Ottawa on January 18. From there the package hung around Ottawa for another day, then took 3 days to get to Dieppe, NB and another day to get across the bridge to me.

Screen shot of Canada Post delivery status page

Here’s the envelope that Catherine signed for yesterday:

Photo of Canada Post envelope containing stamps

And here’s what was inside:

Photo of From Far and Wide stamps book of 30

According to Google Maps, it takes about 9 days to walk from the Canada Post’s distribution centre at 2802 Swansea Crescent in Ottawa to our house, which includes a ferry up the St. Lawrence to the Magdalen Islands and then another ferry from there to Souris.

Canada Post: Just Slightly Slower than Walking!


Ray's picture
Ray on January 24, 2018 - 10:56 Permalink

DEEPAK CHOPRA Pres­i­dent and chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of Canada Post has an article in today’s Globe and Mail titled: Retail apocalypse, or great new opportunity ahead?

I think you don’t even need to read the article to know the answer as it pertains to Canada Post.