Sears Sneak Preview?

Peter Rukavina

If you’re a business-curious Charlottetown blogger willing to cross the divide into being “one of the media,” you may be interested in the Media Sneak Preview of the new Sears store on the Malpeque Road:

Greg Paterson, General Sales Manager, Atlantic Region and Anita McGlashon, Manager, Sears Charlottetown will lead media through a tour of the store describing its unique features including its design, merchandise assortment and services.

The Grand Opening (which Sears calls a “Major Photo/Interview Opportunity”) is Thursday, March 17 at 9:00 a.m.

Apparently Sears is now inside something called the “Royalty Power Centre.” Who knew?


Submitted by Nils on


Am I the only one who thinks the “Grand Opening Sale” for this new Sears sucks just a little ass? I mean, really … “Grand Opening! Up to 30% off Housewares!” How is that different from a typical day at Zeller’s? “Special price! Cordless Drills for $74.99!” Umm, two words: Canadian Frigging Tire.

I felt the same way when Home Depot opened. Big splash, no cash … at least, none for the customers.

Submitted by DerekMac on


If you are looking for the best prices, Sears ain’t it. They do, however, specialize in quality (lifetime guaranteed tools) and selection, both of which can be lacking at Zellers and Wally*World. Canadian Tire is hard to beat for quality and value, and certainly gives Sears a run for their money with the categories they sell, but Sears has a bigger variety of goods (furniture, major appliances, etc.). Hopefully, this will keep more Islanders shopping at home. All we need now is a Costco!

Submitted by Ronald McDonald on


Or how about a Sam’s Club? Premier Binns & the cities of Charlottetown & Summerside have already paid millions for road changes & property tax incentives to get the poor Walton family of Arkansas to set up their cute little shops on PEI after Eaton’s went under.

The Bay is supposedly going to be bought out by some Yankee outfit so why not a J.C. Penny’s or Federated while we’re at it?

I’d like to be one of the first to welcome PEI to North America since joining on May 31, 1997. Shop till you drop and consume till you’re subsumed, so they say.

Submitted by Ken on


Mister McDonald, the Waltons ain’t Yankees, they’se Confederates on account of them livin’ quite far south of the Mason-Dixon line.

But I agree they are capitalist bastards, much more than Eatons were and they were some right capitalistic types themselves. Seems like the mom & pop’s of the world can’t cut as close to the bone when making a deal with the Chinese for goods. Consumers win on price though, consumers win on price.

I love and hate Wal*Mart. The mark up on prices goes to Arkansas, with Eatons is went to Ontario, with Holmans it stayed in PEI - but was much higher!

The cities accomodated Holmans as much as they do Wal*Mart, don’t you think?

Shopping at Wal*Mart is not mandatory.
I’d like to see the workers unionize, then I’d be able to shop at Wal*Marts guilt free. Almost. (Remember the Chinese!)

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