In yet another hip, down with it, rad attempt to get all funky and props in the youths, the CBC has a rad cool new web effort called Buzz that seems to exist to promote trippy youth-type events happening over the March break.
Like the far out Rotary Regional Library Bird Presentation and the Fiddle Doo & Pot Luck.
To attract said youths, the CBC has recruited some hot young media superstars, one from each province:

So now your picking on Boomer
So now your picking on Boomer? There’s not a lot of choices in the hip & young ranks of CBC media people in PEI.
Obviously overlooked is Heather Robinson who has a monopoly on hipness on air at CBC PEI.
Gee, those 55+ Games look
Gee, those 55+ Games look like something the younfer set might take in.
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