Dahn Dahn Dahn Da Dahn

Peter Rukavina

The Hockey Night in Canada theme song has its own website. Interesting fact: the same composer, Dolores Claman, wrote the “Ontario-ari-ari-o” song (“A place to stand, a place to grow…”).


Submitted by Arthur on


As someone who is not into hockey, I have no clue what this music may sound like.

I feel quilty and un-canadian.


Submitted by Riki on


I wouldn’t worry too much, Arthur.. those of us who are hockey fans, and do know what this much sounds like.. hasn’t really missed hearing it this year… and probably won’t miss hearing it next year… or however long this ‘hockey strike’ goes on… I haven’t missed NHL hockey this year… and I know where to go when I need my hockey fix…

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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