Logging in to Drupal from AppleScript

Peter Rukavina

I found that it’s relatively easy to login to Drupal from AppleScript by using cURL. I created a sample script to show how; grab DrupalFromAppleScript, load it into Script Editor, enter values for your username, password and Drupal URL, and you should be able to get it to login to your site.

This will only get you logged in of course — you’ll have to amplify the script to make it do anything useful (like uploading content, grabbing information, etc.)


Submitted by Boris Mann on


Actually, if you want remote access to Drupal for posting, look at the blogAPI. If you built it for Drupal to work with (e.g.) the metaWeblogAPI, it would also work with any other blog tool that supports the metaWeblogAPI.

Googling metaweblog API applescript shows some useful hits: http://www.google.ca/search?q=…

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


The blogAPI is great for posting to blogs, and with patches it can be used to post pages and stories. This script is useful, however, to post images (with some add-ons, of course) and for other things not available via an API.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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