Welcome Back Aliant

Peter Rukavina

Despite my tortured relationship with our local phone company over the years, I gotta say it’s good to have Aliant employees back in the saddle again: calls to customer service are getting answered on the first ring, and the people who answer those calls actually know what they’re talking about. Guess we don’t know what we got ‘til it was gone. Welcome back.


Submitted by Robert Paterson on


Welcome back Steve - our valiant area technician who is the reason I persevere with Aliant

Submitted by EX PEI STRIKER # 275 on


Thanks people, we are glad to be back at our jobs and serving our customers. I personally, have the work ethic of serving my customer to the best of my ability, honestly, and of course with pleasure. It is sure nice to be back on the telephone line talking to you all again. Thanks to those who supported us during the Strike, your kindness will never be forgotten.

Submitted by Heather on


Welcome back Aliant workers!
I have stuck with Aliant for many years b/c the service has always been top knotch. I was lucky enough to be employed on a term at the phone center last winter and I really enjoyed the work atmosphere.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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