Reflections on a Nose

Peter Rukavina

As this photo Dan took today makes obvious, I have a very “pointy” nose. The weird thing is that I don’t perceive myself as being a “pointy-nosed” person. Perhaps because I see my nose in profile so seldom. Looking at the photo, I also appear to bear an uncomfortable head-shape resemblance to Homer Simpson.

It’s time to stop looking at pictures of myself.


Submitted by oliver on


I think the nose really deserves a blog of its own. And a nose cam wouldn’t be a bad idea either (just avoid the phrase “live streaming nose cam” if you can)

Submitted by oliver on


I also want to say that Stephen is a show-off and that Peter really ought to have shown all of us how to create Web gimmicks in the comment boxes so that not only Stephen gets to have fun.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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