I Need a Quick Printer

Peter Rukavina

I want to be able to email simple black and white PDF files to a local quick printer (or even better, upload them directly to their digital copier) and have copies printed and delivered to me within a couple of hours.

Kwik Kopy comes close, but they’re sometimes slow reading their email, and they charge a flat $10 fee up front to simply open a PDF file.

Print Atlantic doesn’t seem to have a fee for opening PDF files, but they have turnaround times of a day or two, and seem more oriented towards press work that quick printing.

I think what I want is a Kinkos. Lacking that, is there anywhere else to turn in Charlottetown?


Submitted by Jevon on


This would be generally useful to me, and I would think a lot of students could use it too.

Mail Boxes, Etc. might be a good place to ask. They have been good about reading their email in the past, and seem to have the best prices for a lot of basic printing too.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Apparently Staples in Charlottetown will accept files by email (s115cc at busdep.com) and will quick print them for pickup. No delivery though.

Submitted by andrea on


I wonder if you would be able to use UPEI’s central printing - if that department/service still exists? They were always very inexpensive and efficient, though I am not sure how they’d be about working with PDF files.

You can send them to me here in Toronto and I can send them overnight. We do that for people across the country, including Iqaluit!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Carter’s, or Colpitts, or Premium, or whatever the last-remaining non-Staples office supply store in Charlottetown, in the Confederation Court Mall, is calling itself these days, does not accept print requests by email, only hard copy. But they might deliver copies if you drop them off (there seemed to be some doubt about this when I asked). They will deliver office supplies, however, with no minimum order required.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


ePrintIt, which I’ve written about before will accept materials by email (preflight_char at eprintit dot com), and has no “processing” charge for PDF files. They’re located in the Dominion Building. Interestingly enough, they can output jobs to any one of their branches across Canada. They print in B&W and colour. Their website is insane and seemingly content-free.

Submitted by DerekMac on


As someone who works in the Dominion Bldg, I can say that the ePrintIt people (they used to be owned by Public Works and Government Services Canada, but were privatized and bought out by the St. Joseph’s Group) are great to work with. They still treat me well, even though 9 or ten years ago I converted most of our departmental manuals and forms to PDF and FormFlow and made them available via our Intranet and on CD, probably taking away a large chunk of their revenue. It’s too bad they are not better known, and don’t have a more obvious loccation. You get to them from Pownal Street, in back of the Dominion Building, if travelling by car. On foot, you can also get to them through the front door on Queen St. Just tell the Commissionaire where you are headed, and they will direct you. They were the first in town to do colour. They can also staple, fold, punch and bind, all for a reasonable price.

Submitted by andrea on


Hi Peter,

I need a quick printer in Charlottetown!

Have you ever used the ePrintit option? I just checked their website and you are right, it is insane. Have you ever sent PDF files to them? I can’t even find an email address on the site.

I’d appreciate any feedback/advice.


Submitted by DerekMac on


Haven’t used their electronic services. I would suggest you give them a call at 628-1106.

Their website is wacky, but I did find the following:

Website: www.eprintit.ca

General email: smile@eprintit.com

Eprintit job order form:


Help page: https://www.myorderdesk.com/support/Search.asp?toc=Y.

Email for production centre: orderdesk@eprintit.com

- Derek M

Submitted by andrea on


thank you for the information!

ePrintIt is definitely the way to go. It all went smoothly and they are really great people to do business with. As well, other businesses in the city were unable to accomodate the quick turn-around required.

I would definitely recommend them as a supplier for copying/printing on PEI.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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