It's Drive-in Season!

Peter Rukavina

Brackley Drive-in Projection Room My favourite client, at least in terms of how I get paid, is Brackley Drive-in. While other clients might pay me more (and with real money!), the Drive-in pays me with a season pass for Catherine and I.

And as it’s the middle of May and getting warm, I’m happy to announce the opening of the Brackley Drive-in for another year: the season opens this Friday, May 10 with a double bill of Changing Lanes and We Were Soldiers.

And if that’s not enough, we’ve updated the Drive-in website (handily available at for your browsing pleasure) too with a new “contemporary 50s” look.

So go get your coupons, clean out the car, load the blankets and the flashlights and head out the Brackley Point road on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for the show. All “they are my client” bias aside, you will have a great time.


Submitted by steve rocker on


I consider myself somewhat of an expert on drive-ins after having done a socumentary on sask drive-ins last summer, and i can say that the Brackley is one of the best I’ve ever been to: lovely setting, well-maintained, and original old-time dancing snack cartoons between features. It’s alot fo fun.

Submitted by steve rocker on


Oops I said “socumentary” in the above posting. Hmmm…perhaps that’s a future project that might blow the lid off where all the missing socks go in the dryer.

Submitted by steve rocker on


Oops I said “socumentary” in the above posting. Hmmm…perhaps that’s a future project that might blow the lid off where all the missing socks go in the dryer.

Submitted by Johnny on


While I have never been a ‘socumentarian’, I too have known the giddy pleasures of the Brackley Beach Drive-In. Its loads of fun.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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