West Wing

Peter Rukavina

Bravo! (only here in the U.S.) is airing a marathon of The West Wing today, showing episodes back-to-back all night long. After an hour of CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews, I’m finding the dramatic intrigue of fictional presidential politics far more compelling than the endless arithmetic of the real thing.


Submitted by Sherida George on


Please don’t tell me Leo is gone for good, he has become my favorite character now that Rob Lowe’s character Sam has vacated the premises.
Is Leo returning or is this his last dance?

2ndly, what has West Wing got against Canada? Tired of the slam-dunks we are taking from our southern neighbours lately, we are much more than “MAPLE SYRUP” and “DOG SLEDS”, hell you might even learn a thing or two from us!!!!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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