One of the features of NetNewsWire is that it can show you the changes that have been made to a post if the author makes edits after originally posting. For the Old Farmer’s Almanac feeds, which get completely regenerated each day, this is somewhat less useful, but also occasionally interesting. Witness:

What a day in history!
Peter (Sorry - Ruk!)I ma
Peter (Sorry - Ruk!)
I ma quite happy with free Bloglines. Is there a good reason to spend $39 US for this?
Rob,I find that its a matter
I find that its a matter of taste more than anything - I like to have my rss reader as a stand alone app as opposed to a website.
Interestingly enough, the author of Netnewswire (amongst others) and bloglines just announced some sort of syncing system between the two rss readers - so that in theory you can get the best of both worlds.
Oh great, just what I need —
Oh great, just what I need — a service that allows people to look over all of my rewrites. Thanks Netnewswire.
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