All You Can Eat Sediment

Peter Rukavina

Here is a page describing the archive of the sediment data my father gathered between 1968 and 2001 (aka “his life’s work”).


Submitted by Katie on


No comments on this post?!?! This is great, now mind you I am a little biased as I am a marine sedimentologist…still playing with mud and loving it!

Submitted by Lisa Howard on


I think we were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work that this represents. Weren’t we? I was.

Submitted by Mitch on


…perhaps the lack of interest stems from the fact that the real game aroung here (especially in summer)is “All You Can Eat Sentiment”…

Submitted by oliver on


For me, there were so many opportunities for puns that I thought I better not to let myself get started.

Submitted by Katie on


Ok - you are all off the hook. Don’t forget to play in the mud any chance you get - its good clean dirty fun. Today I get to teach some unsuspecting college students about the wonders of mud, next week we get to learn about sand - darn a mandatory trip to the beach. Ahhhh sometimes I love this job.

Submitted by Derek Martin on


Just going through some family history with my visiting Aunt, and came across this regarding my Great-Grandfather Edward Martin Kindle (1869-1940): “In the field of sedimentation Kindle was a pioneer and an authority. Doubtless his reputation among the younger generation of geologists rests chiefly on his many and fundamental contributions to this subject.” I wonder if your dad knows his work? Mount Kindle (… is named after him.

Submitted by Norm Rukavina on


Derek Martin will be interested to know that I am very familiar with the work of his great grandfather. He did some of the earliest research on Lake Ontario and Erie modern sediments and pioneered some of the data-collection techniques for those types of surveys. What he did was of particular interest to me because part of my career was spent in updating some of his nearshore surveys and trying to improve on the procedures he used. It’s a real pleasure to hear from the relative of someone whose work I know and admire. Thanks for your comment, Derek.

Submitted by Derek Martin on


Small world! It’s great to have some context for his work. I have one of his canvas specimen bags and a little wooden toolbox. If you’re visiting PEI and want to have coffee sometime Peter has my number.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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