Rukavina Craziness

Peter Rukavina

Googlewhack: Rukavina Craziness. Redux: From the Guest Book comes this pleasant note:

you friggin moron rukavina isn’t an english word; not underlined by google, not in why don’t you read the damn before you make an ass of yourself
The correspondent is, of course, correct, if somewhat consumed with unfortunate rage and unable to grasp the basic rules of sentence structure and good grammar. Consider this a retraction.

I’m off to read the damn. Wish me luck.


Submitted by Kevin O on


How do you square this type of reaction with reality? I’ve a very similar message in my in box right now the big difference is that the lady who wrote it identified herself (I won’t i.d. her just yet). She had gone to the web page set up by the committed volunteers over at and joined the hundreds of people who sent messages of support on behalf of ISN’s IP number problem. I followed with a thank-you to everyone who had done that and she replied with, well, this…

I am appalled with your antics. You had no right to include your customers in your so called “joke”. I consider this an insult and have better things to occupy my time with than your accusation of the so called “take over by “Aliant”. I have lost a lot of respect and trust in your company, and I am not surprised to learn that you have lost customers over this. This is certainly not an appropriate fashion for any business man to treat their customer this way. You once had my support but no longer. I once supported you…

And that’s not even half of it. I know not everyone out there is in love with this little ISP, but I’m completely baffled why a “thank you” for “supporting us” would generate such a bubble of bile. Any ideas?

Submitted by Dario Rukavina on


Dragi Pero (Peter),
da su Rukavine opaljeni, to i nije neka novost.
Krv nije voda reklo bi se.
Evo jedna mala pri&#269ica iz

Submitted by zveki on


Bok Dario,
eh, dugo vremena nismo se sreli niti kontaktirali.
A i kako bi mogli kontaktirati kada se vise ne poznamo?

Mogla bih i ja ispricati jednu pricu o Rukavinama.
Npr. imaju tvrdu licku glave s kojom bez ikakvih poteskoca razbijaju orahe.
Ta njihova tvrda licka glava nije bedasta, ak biste to pomislili, vec je jako pametna.

Ali je bome i tvrdoglava!

No, da se vratim na pocetak….Poznavala sam nekada davno jednog Rukavinu (mozda bas i tebe) i vjerovala sam u njega.
Glupo je reci, ali bio mi je uzor u zivotu bas zato sto je imao osobnost koja se rijetko sretala.
Taj Rukavina kojeg sam poznavala nikada me nije zajebo ni u cemu.

Reci cete: “Dobar neki covjek!”.

Dobar i predobar.

I jos uvijek ga se tu i tamo sjetim.
A zao mi je sto o njemu mogu govoriti samo u past tensu…

Submitted by Skembo on


Haj Zveki,
Bas sam isel na google i drmnem Zveki, a ti tu, nekaj carobiras o likama.
Drago mi je da licani nist ne zajebu, a bogme moram ti rec da i mi gelipteri nikad sebe ne zajebemo, garant !

Tipkamo se na tvom forumu.

Submitted by Velebit on


Ja nemrem najti ni na “google”.
Iskam prijateli. Nasal sam Skembu i Zveki.
Bok prijateli. Bumo si pisali.

Barba Velebit

Submitted by Velebit on


Umro je Istina.
Sahranjen je prije dva dana na mjesnom groblju u Zadru.

Slava mu i pokoj vjecni.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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